Weatherby accumark bedding problem

.222 ND

Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2011
I purchased a weatherby accumark .338 lapua earlier this summer to use as an elk rifle this fall. I tried over a dozen different reloads and they all,but one, averaged around 3 inches. These loads consisted of 250 grain bullets made by berger, sierra, and lapua. It did shoot one load accurately but that was with 180 grain nosler ballistic tip,not really what I was after in a lapua. I tried that load because it shot well in my old 338 ultra mag. I called weatherby and informed them of my problem and they suggested that I just use the 180 grain load. I tried to explain to them a few things about long range ballistics but they weren't really getting it. We argued. They then told me I could send the rifle in and they would test it, but if it passed their accuracy test I would be charged a healthy sum of money, also they said it would take about four months.I did not really trust them after our conversation on the phone so I had a friend grind out weatherby's bedding material which looked like a hot glue gun had dribbled it in, and replaced it with his own bedding material. The rifle then shot quite well with the 250 grain bullets. The amount of money spent on this rifle would have paid for a nice custom rifle that would not have required half the trips to the range or any of the arguing.
I've not had that bedding problem with any of mine. In fact most are so tightly bedded that the barreled actions 'pop' in and out.

Yes, Weatherby can have and "attitude" though some of it is company policy.

I've been in the show room while the support guys were on the phone in the next room and I could hear their side of the conversation.

They are good people but one of the support guys is well, grumpy ish.
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