Unlimited MT Sheep Tags?


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2012
I just found out that the state of Montana has "Unlimited" Sheep tags for a select few areas. The catch is the tags are unlimited, but once two rams are harvested the season is shut down.

Has anyone ever hunted on one of these tags? What area did you hunt? What style of hunting is it, (back pack, day hike)? How long are the seasons generally open?
I just found out that the state of Montana has "Unlimited" Sheep tags for a select few areas. The catch is the tags are unlimited, but once two rams are harvested the season is shut down.

Has anyone ever hunted on one of these tags? What area did you hunt? What style of hunting is it, (back pack, day hike)? How long are the seasons generally open?

I have friends that hunt it every year. If you do not mind a smaller ram, and spend a lot of time it can be done. This ram was killed a few days ago on Deckard flats near Jardine MT a few days ago


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That sounds like just our style! I would be more than happy to work my butt off for that ram! Thanks.

Two of my buddies and I at least think wer're tough and we all know we're dumb! hahhaha!
I've heard nothing but bad about getting a reasonable ram in those units, the way I understand it is if the weather is just right and you cover enough of Montana to find them you may get a shot at a smaller ram, course that still may be better odds than drawing in MT, I wish you could pass down your points when you die that way my daughter or son may have a chance of drawing :rolleyes:
I wish you could pass down your points when you die that way my daughter or son may have a chance of drawing :rolleyes:

Keep the faith bigngreen - it took me 32 years to finally draw one. All I can say is when you do draw - forget everything else - it's worth every minute.
I just want to draw one while I am still able to get out and hunt hard. I have been putting in since I was 12. I am now 48. The clock is ticking. I can tell the difference each hunting season now. I am slightly more crippled at the end of the season compared to the last year. I am not sure that I was fully recovered this spring from last season. I may be getting to the point that I have to change my style. That will put me in with the crowd trying to stake out my spot and pretending not to be bothered by all the orange I see around me. I am not liking getting old.

I have hunted in these units back in 2006 and 2008. I did not kill a sheep but did see a sheep. back then I was in great sheep and covered more miles than most of you would believe. the harvest is heavily regulated and all units have a 2 or 3 ram quota, meaning when 2 or 3 rams are killed the season ends 48 hours later. you need to find a way to keep in touch somehow.

also the terrain is much more rugged than you can imagine. if you are fat or a heavy smoker don't even think about it. also, if you have horses it will help bigtime. in unit 500 there is a guide camped in there long before season and he takes 2 clients per year. hunts are 5-8k with a 5k harvest fee.

it can be done but the chances of an outsider walking in there unguided and killing a ram are minimal at best. I will be going back to the unlm units in 2016 as I took a couple years off when we had 2 kids. I can not afford to go to canmore at 35k+ and don't want to wait till I draw so this is my only choice.

Area 500 501 502 close Nov 30 and I have no experience in these areas. Sheep area 300 and 303 I live in. Area 300 opens sept 1 and closes sept 10. It is a joke, every once in a while someone kills a ram. Area 303 opens for archery sept 5 and for rifle sept 15, and closes oct 30. The big rams typically show up mid to end November. Last year a guy I know shot a 190 ram.

There are over 250 sheep in area 305 right now down by the highway full of lungworms dying of pnumonia with a 50% ram to ewe ratio. There is one lottery permit in this area and the season closes oct 30. The sheep show up mid November! And often this ram is not killed! What a joke!
This ram is in area 303 last week dec. 15


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I know a guy that has walked in twice and shot rams.They have to be 3/4 and are hard to find where he went. But he is a exception to the rule all his time is out doors and not in a area like Paradise that still has game numbers up North here. He get 100 pick up horns a year and is total animal hiker, like a one of a kind type 30 yr old.Rooster what you think that ram went in your picture its a hog,we see rams like that up here in the TFalls,area hard to get tag as we know.
I looked into this & found out success rate at about 2% or less. I was in excellent shape but being a nonresident, one is smoking something funny thinking you have a shot at success. If I was a resident and lived in the area and had the time to pre scout the area then yes I would of hunted this.
I know a guy that has walked in twice and shot rams.They have to be 3/4 and are hard to find where he went. But he is a exception to the rule all his time is out doors and not in a area like Paradise that still has game numbers up North here. He get 100 pick up horns a year and is total animal hiker, like a one of a kind type 30 yr old.Rooster what you think that ram went in your picture its a hog,we see rams like that up here in the TFalls,area hard to get tag as we know.

I do not know sheep well but see 180 and 190 sheep, often and this guy is BIG! He will die of old age or be converted to wolf crap. What a waste!
The state of Montana is a **** poor big game manager!
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