Ultra Light Spotting Scope Choices??


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
Sonoma County, CA
I'm looking for an ultra light spotting scope for long treks. I currently use a Leupold 12x40 HD but need something lighter for packing. Considering the Leupold Gold Ring compacts. Anyone have a recommendation for something or use either the Leupy Golden Ring 12x20 or 15x30?
I thought I read that the 10-20x40 was being discontinued, but I don't know for sure. I tried one and like the size and weight. Decent image for the price, but on a foggy/cloudy day, my Monarch rifle scope had a much clearer and brighter image than the Leupold 10-20x40.

I have an ED50 with 13-30x and 16x digiscope eyepieces. Its a nice little scope, and much better than the Leupold 10-20x40 that I tried, but it also costs nearly 2x as much. The ED50 seems like the go-to spotter for many hunters looking for a lightweight optic.
I have an ED50 with 13-30x and 16x digiscope eyepieces. The ED50 seems like the go-to spotter for many hunters looking for a lightweight optic.

Have you or anyone else figured out a way to adapt Nikon's mickey mouse case so that it is a stay on case and can be used without taking scope completly out of the case provided each and every time. I know there is a company from the UK that is making a stay on case for the ED50 but prefer buying something from the USA if that is possible. Nice little scope but case it comes with has a lot to be desired. Thanks in advance.
Bushnell - Elite 15-45 x 60 mm, Matte [781548P]

This is the one I use as the moment--mostly for it's light weight (26 oz.) and compactness. Price is not bad either. Certainly not a Swarovski, but I can count points at over 1000 yds with it and I don't want to pack anything bigger or heavier for miles on my back.

The USO scope of similar dimensions (just a tad heavier at 2.0 lbs) would be my choice when I can scrape up the cash, especially since it has an MOA reticle--perfect compliment to an MOA riflescope reticle for your spotter to call shots if necessary.


The 65mm Swaro would be nice and it's design is fairly compact and at 2.19 lbs.

The Leup Mark 4 is pretty compact as well, but a bit more weight at 37 oz.

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