try to built a good longrange rifle from a very isolated country


Nov 14, 2010
new caledonia
ok, the deal was and still is to build a longrange rifle in my country(new caledonia)(french pacific island) where there is any gunsmith, only gun salesmen.
And a place where the local tax for overseas rifle reach nearly 60% on US arms.

Since there is no gunsmith here to built me a custom longrange rifle, i wanted to buy on from oversea, but most of US custom longrange rifle cost around 3000 us$ and much more for some. Add to that price the oversea chipping rate + local tax+salesman profit marge(since we have to buy oversea rifle from local gunstore).

I end up with a nearly 7000us $ rifle+ 1000us $ scope= around 8000us $ for custom rifle who cost only 3000$ in the US!!!!!

The point here is there isn't any cheap solution for hunters who live in expensive and very remote country.

So what i did , i bought a new remington sendero sfII in 300 win mag(cost 2500 us$ here!!), send the gun to a machinist to thread the barrel to install tikka t3 tactical muzzle brake.

I did myself the trigger work on the x-mark cheat pro trigger to make it as light as possible.

buy and install a IOR 2.5-10x42 ffp scope with leupold tactical ring.

That all i can do without ANY GUNSMITH IN THE COUNTRY.

Total cost: 2500 the sendero+1200 the scope+120 the muzzle brake+150 work labbor for the thread+170 the bi-pod= 4140 us $ for a simple sendero!!:cool:


I will send(if i can do it!) a photo of the goups i made at 200 meters, after 50 shots in the barrel so far. Using 180 grains federal power shock, the cheaper ammo i find for barrel braking purpose.


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Re: try to built a good longrange rifle from a very isolate country

Nice rifle sorry you have to go thru so much red tape to get a gun. The sendero is Remington top gun out of the box. I am sure once you start reloading your group will get better.
Re: try to built a good longrange rifle from a very isolate country

That is great!! I am glad it worked out for you! Happy Shooting!!

From good 'ol Texas, US of A
Thank, i will start into reloading process as soon i will save some money for all the reloading tools needed.
So far i shot federal ammo soft point on paper target, and i use the federal premium trophy bond tip for hunting not the best B.C in 180 grains but it is all i can get here in the local store
That is a very decent group for the ammo you are using sir. I bet that once you start reloading you will be very pleased indeed. Good to hear that gamble worked out for you!

Thank gary, the photo as to be rotate to 90 degree(i forgot to do it before sending it)
So the group is actually on the right of the target, this is due to my bad flitching. try to get over it but not easy so far.

And yes, CODE4 he is right, its a very good place for RUSA deer hunting.

Sounds like you did all right! That isn't too shabby of a group for factory ammo and 200 m. Looks to be around 1/2 moa.
Tanks sambo 3006, i was also very surprise than a factory ammo could produce that sort of group at 200m, and like i say it was the cheapest factory ammo i could find here in new caledonia.
l'île des Pins. One of the most beautiful places on God's earth.

Indeed a story of determination and perseverance. My hats off to you sir. Have you visited the U.S.?
l'île des Pins. One of the most beautiful places on God's earth.

Indeed a story of determination and perseverance. My hats off to you sir. Have you visited the U.S.?

ile des pins is a beauty, i fly over there may be 3 or 4 times a week since five years now, and each time i felt so lucky to contempled this beautiful place.

Unfortunately, i've not been in US yet but i'm planning to get overthere.
Last year my wife and i spend 2 weeks in the canadian rocky moutain trekking during the falls, the treks was in jasper and banff national park.

I felt in love with the rocky mountains!!!! i things the rocky mountains in north american continent are among and maybe the most beautiful mountains on earth.

i've been in the french alpes, in the french pyrenees, i spent 5 years in new zealand south island, so i've see the NZ south alpes.

But nothing comes close to the rocky's !!!
So i can't wait to see the rockys from the us side.
My wife has been after me for some time to visit Caledonia. I told her about you and your rifle and the hunting. I to did not know about the fine hunting that was available. When we do make it over, how does the use of a weapon work? I probably will not bring my own.

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