time to upgrade my range finder


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2016
Colorado Springs, CO
point blank-- my range finder is a base model and it su*#s!!

currently I use my cruddy range finder, strelok pro app, and a weather flow weather meter, and binos for spotting--but I'm looking to upgrade and consolidate.

realistically -- right now my self imposed hunting limit is 600 yards-- I hold 1/2 moa with my 7 rm no problems out to this range, so I'm thinking maybe the range finding binos from sig that have the AB "lite" version that calculates drops out to 800 yards IIRC?? (kilo 3000 bdx)

at some point in time, I would love to find a 1000 yard range to practice on and further my capabilities -- my gun club claims they may put one in in the future, but not sure if/when this would happen--yes I could practice in the field at 800-1000y but its not too realistic due to my living/working location and travel time to a place I could practice-- most likely my maximum shooting range for target or steel would be 1000y, I doubt I would ever go beyond that due to time/money constraints

what do you recommend? something that would make it a bit quicker/easier to range and find my drop but won't break the bank.

these seem to be 2 very good options for my needs--when comparing the 2400abs to the 3000bdx it seems they seem to be similar

the 2400abs is a 7x monocular and comes with a weatherflow wind meter and uses the full AB version to display your drops in the eyepiece out to the full AB limits --it does not link to the bdx sierra scopes

the 3000 bdx are 10x and come with the AB ultra-lite version that displays drops out to 800 yards in the binos-- it can also link to a kestrel with the full AB version for drops displayed on the kestrel out to maximum range. these can link to the sierra bdx optics if you want to (but due to the answer I got from CO cpw yesterday I doubt I would be buying any of their bdx scopes as CO may outlaw them in the near future)

question regarding the 3000bdx binos--- can they be linked to a weatherflow meter for weather data? or only the kestrel units?

reason I'm looking at the SIG options is I seem to be able to get them for a pretty good discounted price (in the 900-1000 range for either one)
We are running the Sig 3000 at special pricing for the members here. Please call us, 516-217-1000, to discuss it
Enjoy the balance of the weekend
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