This is why I don't like most other hunters I meet *pics*


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2008
Far Southern Illinois
Finally one of my days off was relatively nice so I decided to do some scouting in the Black Hills. The second place I went to this is what I found.



These were only a few miles from Mt. Rushmore. It looks like a combination of elk, mulies, whitetails, and a few antelope. There are over two dozen carcasses. On my way home I stopped by the State Game Warden office and reported my findings. They said they already knew about the dump and there was nothing more they could do.
Was there any meat taken by whoever dumped them or were they disgarded fully intact?
I just talk with some local landowners and ask if I can use their dump/dead animal pile. Most ranchers have a place where they bury their dead. While you are their offer to shoot some coyotes. I have never been turned down yet. They get some predators shot, and you have a place to hunt some predators and save yourself $50.

I just talk with some local landowners and ask if I can use their dump/dead animal pile. Most ranchers have a place where they bury their dead. While you are their offer to shoot some coyotes. I have never been turned down yet. They get some predators shot, and you have a place to hunt some predators and save yourself $50.


That's a good idea, thanks.
The thread title is a bit misleading "This is why I don't like most other hunters I meet", since you met no hunters
The thread title is a bit misleading "This is why I don't like most other hunters I meet", since you met no hunters


The hunters that I know don't leave piles of animals. There may be a few that do things like this, but not most hunters.

So if you run across my elk carcass, where I boned it out and left the hide bones and guts in a big pile, would you be bothered?


The hunters that I know don't leave piles of animals. There may be a few that do things like this, but not most hunters.

So if you run across my elk carcass, where I boned it out and left the hide bones and guts in a big pile, would you be bothered?


There is a huge difference between gutting and boning an elk or deer to pack it out in the field and dumping over two dozen carcasses on a gravel road (less than a mile off of a highway). When I talked to the Game Warden I was told that dumps like this are reported all the time. Unfortunately there is very little they can do about it unless someone see them in the act.
Jarhead1371, do you really believe it when the Game Warden tells you that piles of 2 dozen carcasses are found all the time? If that is or were the case don't let anyone know or else every hunter will want to hunt there and get their 2 dozen kills all the time. IMHO I think the Game Warden exaggerates.
Jarhead1371, do you really believe it when the Game Warden tells you that piles of 2 dozen carcasses are found all the time? If that is or were the case don't let anyone know or else every hunter will want to hunt there and get their 2 dozen kills all the time. IMHO I think the Game Warden exaggerates.

Several guys I work with have found similar dumps in the past few weeks since they have been out turkey hunting. I have been finding dumps almost every time I go out but usually only 5-6 carcasses. I'm sure several people were involved in the dumping, not just one or two. That makes it worse IMO, after a few were dumped than several other people thought it was ok and added to it. I'm to the point that I'm thinking about buying a few IR trail cameras for next season and set them up at the dumps.
Several guys I work with have found similar dumps in the past few weeks since they have been out turkey hunting. I have been finding dumps almost every time I go out but usually only 5-6 carcasses. I'm sure several people were involved in the dumping, not just one or two. That makes it worse IMO, after a few were dumped than several other people thought it was ok and added to it. I'm to the point that I'm thinking about buying a few IR trail cameras for next season and set them up at the dumps.

I can understand that it wouldn't be that great to look at while out enjoying the outdoors but what does it hurt ? around my neck of the woods cattle farmers usually have a dump pit for dead cows and sometimes their not covered up . what is the difference with dead deer ? Wouldn't wild life take care of the remains.

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