Thank you Badlands Bullets !!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2019
W. Montana
Last year after seeing a mature bull elk taken down with one shot from a "Badlands Precision" 6.5 125gr Bulldozer bullet I decided to give them a try. I ordered 100 of them. In my Savage model 16 & Savage model 110 XP Storm, both in 260 Rem they turned in "TINY" groups. So this year I decided to order 200 more. I was surprised to find out the 125gr Bulldozer ( BC .510 ) had been discontinued in favor of the "Bulldozer ll" ( BC .530) ). So, I ordered the "BD ll". For what ever reason I could not get the great grouping with the "BD ll" I got with the regular Bulldozer. Best I could do was 1 1/2". I called Badlands & was told a tech would get back to me. Again I was surprised with a call back later that same day. I explained how I was getting poor grouping with the "BD ll" . Since I had shot 70 of the bullets I received , I had 130 of the "ll's"left . They said they would exchange the two unopened boxes ( 100 bullets ) of the "ll's" for 100 of the old style BD, & that they would make a run of the old style for me , no problem. Sounded great to me. Today in the mail I received 200 6.5 125gr Bulldozer bullets at no charge. WA-HOO , Badlands Precision. Picture shows a Nosler 6.5 140gr AB, BC .509 on the left. A Badlands 6.5 125gr Bulldozer ( BC .510 ) on the right.


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Last year after seeing a mature bull elk taken down with one shot from a "Badlands Precision" 6.5 125gr Bulldozer bullet I decided to give them a try. I ordered 100 of them. In my Savage model 16 & Savage model 110 XP Storm, both in 260 Rem they turned in "TINY" groups. So this year I decided to order 200 more. I was surprised to find out the 125gr Bulldozer ( BC .510 ) had been discontinued in favor of the "Bulldozer ll" ( BC .530) ). So, I ordered the "BD ll". For what ever reason I could not get the great grouping with the "BD ll" I got with the regular Bulldozer. Best I could do was 1 1/2". I called Badlands & was told a tech would get back to me. Again I was surprised with a call back later that same day. I explained how I was getting poor grouping with the "BD ll" . Since I had shot 70 of the bullets I received , I had 130 of the "ll's"left . They said they would exchange the two unopened boxes ( 100 bullets ) of the "ll's" for 100 of the old style BD, & that they would make a run of the old style for me , no problem. Sounded great to me. Today in the mail I received 200 6.5 125gr Bulldozer bullets at no charge. WA-HOO , Badlands Precision. Picture shows a Nosler 6.5 140gr AB, BC .509 on the left. A Badlands 6.5 125gr Bulldozer ( BC .510 ) on the right.
That is good service, bro. I've always been treated right and beyond by them. Running the BD-2's in some of my rifles this year. Can't wait to see how they perform on big game.
Last year after seeing a mature bull elk taken down with one shot from a "Badlands Precision" 6.5 125gr Bulldozer bullet I decided to give them a try. I ordered 100 of them. In my Savage model 16 & Savage model 110 XP Storm, both in 260 Rem they turned in "TINY" groups. So this year I decided to order 200 more. I was surprised to find out the 125gr Bulldozer ( BC .510 ) had been discontinued in favor of the "Bulldozer ll" ( BC .530) ). So, I ordered the "BD ll". For what ever reason I could not get the great grouping with the "BD ll" I got with the regular Bulldozer. Best I could do was 1 1/2". I called Badlands & was told a tech would get back to me. Again I was surprised with a call back later that same day. I explained how I was getting poor grouping with the "BD ll" . Since I had shot 70 of the bullets I received , I had 130 of the "ll's"left . They said they would exchange the two unopened boxes ( 100 bullets ) of the "ll's" for 100 of the old style BD, & that they would make a run of the old style for me , no problem. Sounded great to me. Today in the mail I received 200 6.5 125gr Bulldozer bullets at no charge. WA-HOO , Badlands Precision. Picture shows a Nosler 6.5 140gr AB, BC .509 on the left. A Badlands 6.5 125gr Bulldozer ( BC .510 ) on the right.
That's awesome! Thanks for sharing.

Anybody got pics of on game performance. Wouldn't mind trying the 150 in a 7ss.
There is an entire thread on it here -

I've had great luck with the Badlands's Bullets, thanks to @codyadams for the information he had included in a thread some time ago.
This is entry and exit of the 125BB at 650yrds on this doe. Dropped her in her tracks, very very pleased with the first kill at moderate range.
Was at the local range this morning. Savage 110 XP Storm 260 Rem. Badlands 125gr Bulldozer. 47.5 grs Rel 26, CCI Mag primer. MV 3039 fps. Range 110yds. Wind still , 78dg. Forgot to mention. My Savage model 16 in 260 Rem , using the exact same load shoots the exact same way. What is it about these Savage rifles ?


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Last year after seeing a mature bull elk taken down with one shot from a "Badlands Precision" 6.5 125gr Bulldozer bullet I decided to give them a try. I ordered 100 of them. In my Savage model 16 & Savage model 110 XP Storm, both in 260 Rem they turned in "TINY" groups. So this year I decided to order 200 more. I was surprised to find out the 125gr Bulldozer ( BC .510 ) had been discontinued in favor of the "Bulldozer ll" ( BC .530) ). So, I ordered the "BD ll". For what ever reason I could not get the great grouping with the "BD ll" I got with the regular Bulldozer. Best I could do was 1 1/2". I called Badlands & was told a tech would get back to me. Again I was surprised with a call back later that same day. I explained how I was getting poor grouping with the "BD ll" . Since I had shot 70 of the bullets I received , I had 130 of the "ll's"left . They said they would exchange the two unopened boxes ( 100 bullets ) of the "ll's" for 100 of the old style BD, & that they would make a run of the old style for me , no problem. Sounded great to me. Today in the mail I received 200 6.5 125gr Bulldozer bullets at no charge. WA-HOO , Badlands Precision. Picture shows a Nosler 6.5 140gr AB, BC .509 on the left. A Badlands 6.5 125gr Bulldozer ( BC .510 ) on the right.
Now that's service!
Not real sure why but my first 3 shots every time I took this out, the shots almost touch then the 4-5 shots get thrown, guessing the barrel getting a little hot or flinching which is very possible after seeing the first 3 lol. This is what my load performs like, and the crazy thing is that my seating die stays the same for the 156eol and that's that bullets seating depth, crazy lucky.
Have you tried a different bullet? Sierra 140gr GK, Hornady 140gr SFB. A different powder ? There has to be a bullet/ powder combo that will give you a consistent group. It come down to consistant barrel vibration. Since my 6.5x06 is a kissing cousin to your PRC , here is what works in it. Bbl., 24" 1/8 twist , Nosler 140gr AB, 54grs Rel 26 , CCI 250 mag, 3075 fps & tiny groups. Also in the same rifle, 121gr Hammer Hunter, 51.5grs IMR 4350, CCI 200 primer, 3238 fps & tiny groups. In 2019 this 121gr Hammer drove completely thru both front shoulders on a very mature elk , range about 80 yds. LET ME KNOW. Another thought. Try letting your bbl " COMPLETELY" cool down ", then shoot another 3 shots right over your first. This will prove if it/s a hot barrel problem. I use 70% rubbing alcohol soaked rag to liberty wipe down my Bbl., over & over till cool. After 4 to 5 min of this the Bbl cools nicely as long as your not out in the sun. Just a thought. You could also cool down your Bbl with alcohol after each shot. This may give you a different perspective.
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