Teaser pic!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2007
Billings, MT
Nesika action
Shilen select match
Holland brake
Can't remember stock maker, sure Ernie will chime in as it was his recommendation
.284 Winchester

Barrels are getting fluted, then Cerakoted. Should then soon. My buddy and I are building twins.


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Very nice! Looks like one of Aaron's stocks. (rickiesrevnge on SP). He does great work:D
Let us know how it shoots when its all finished up!

that's pretty neat. you can tell it's a specialty pistol cause of the way it is. so are those barreled actions done yet!
Unless this is a new development, to the best of my knowledge Shilen are button rifled and lapped barrels. I own several (rifle) barrels from them and 1 Criterion, which is made the same way.
That is an Aaron's stock.

I think Shilen barrels are button rifled, not cut. I personally would not flute a barrel after it's been made. I'd want the fluting done by the manufacturer as part of the process to ensure the dimensions are correct on the finished product.

Nice looking rig.
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