Teaching somebody to chamber a barrel

So what if he did? Guys, try taking part in offering a solution to a request than projecting your shortcomings from your life. He asked for help, he took a chance and was transparent about his youth, and you turn it into some f'd up life lesson as if that's what he asked for. Grow up.

If he did he shouldn't deny it. Go chill clown.
This whole forum thing is about helping others I thought.... maybe learn something along the way. A guy asking for some help doesn't make him entitled. Demanding help and getting mad when no one helps would be entitlement. I dont find him to be getting upset if a guy can't help him. To say he is somehow ungrateful or entitled because he's not of your generation is just ridiculous.
Tbaxl is asking if someone is willing to help him learn how to rebarrel a rifle if you don't want to don't. Can't believe no one has asked why he wants to rebarrel in the first place.
Tbaxl, I'm sorry you're catching so much flack for wanting to learn what most smiths apparently hold as sacred knowledge! If you go to Youtube and find Bob Pastor's channel, it's https://www.youtube.com/user/TheViper6506/videos He has some very helpful videos that are targeted towards the home hobbyist gunsmith. He also sells training DVDs, but the videos available online for free are really good. It'll make you realize the amount of tooling to do this correctly is a long ways from cheap! May your journey be fruitful!
Manson precision reamers sells a good book to get you started.


It is by John Hinnant

Hope you find someone to help you out. I was a young E-1 in the military a few hundred years ago and couldn't afford gunsmiths. I checked out a lot of library books, our base library was well stocked. I bought a few books here and there as well. Ebay is a good source. I finally bought a cheap lathe and set it up in a storage building. They frowned on machinery in the dorms. I bought a few junk guns from pawn shops. 93 Mausers are a great learning tool. I've been doing it now for nearly 40 years. Chambering a barrel isnt rocket science, it just takes a lot of attention to detail. Keep things straight and running true. All you're doing is drilling a really straight hole. Another route is to find a prethreaded, short chambered barrel and you can finish the chamber by hand easy enough. For about 50 bucks you can rent a reamer and headspace gauges. Good luck, dont take any crusty comments to heart. Stupid is everywhere, just ignore it.
There is so much to learn. Good luck and remember that John browning started young with only his father as a teacher. Starting off with basic engineering concepts he became the most renowned of gun designers. Learn and understand tight tolerances and how to measure them. Learn what concentricity and perpendicularity is and how to ensure that is what you have. Learn and understand the limitations of cutting tools. Use quality indicators and measuring tools. This will be an intense experience if you follow through with it.
Once again for the rest of the people that have some issue with me for asking for help. I didn't come in here demanding somebody to help me, I came for some one to point me in the right direction. A lot on here have been helpful... a lot haven't. However, I have followed up with many of these leads and ended talking to a guy name John Harris who is about an hour away from me. He's a mostly retired gunsmith who takes on 4-5 students a year. He step by step takes you through the process of completing rebuilding a Mauser rifle, he teaches you how to carve and fit the stock, blueprint and time the action, cut the barrel correctly, how to blue the metalwork. And no he doesn't do this for free, but I never came asking for free help I came just asking for help. But thanks for assuming I just wanted it for free and I wanted it now. Don't act special that your baby boomer so you were raised right, i wish I could meet half of y'all that have that have tried to discourage me because I could change your ill founded opinion of me very quickly.
Really ? How might you go about that ? What would that look like ?
Tbaxi, are you in Huntsville AL by chance?. I have a old friend of mine in the Decatur area.. not exactly a smithy but a incredible machinist. He has cut, threaded, chambered.etc. I'm not sure to what degree he can help. Actually I'll have to see if he is still making chips. Lol. A good Smithy would be great to apprenticeship under. But that isn't what your path in life has for you now. No big issue.. at a point you can pick up those skills after your degree... What you will really find out is you really want to pay a skilled very experienced person to do those things unless you just love tinkering...and taking the risk. Many here do and are accomplished at it. Good luck .shoot a lot and have fun.. I'll try to post what I find or PM me and I'll find out from John if he has time or not.
OMG for all you that don't know that is an oh my God. Back off this young man and let him find someone willing to help him know what goes into a rebarrel job. I would be more than happy to help if I could I'm just to far away. I'd do it for free if he sent it to me at this point but that is not what he is looking for. He wants to learn and to learn a person needs to be taught to be taught someone needs to do the teaching. I'm of the opinion that if you have negative feedback for the original poster just keep it to yourself. Let the people with positive suggestions and advice take it from here. The man wants to rebarrel a Tikka my question is why? Most Tikkas shoot pretty good I don't care for the recoil in the magnums they boot me hard it may be how I shoot but a brake helps lots. Tbaxl I'm with you on this one if a fellow doesn't want to help don't just shut up keep it to yourself and move on. To go after someone who needs some teaching to learn something new to do a highly skilled job is dumb. I wish I'd started down this road when I was his age I would be so much further along. Don't listen to a bunch of crabby a** old timers who think because you're young you want want **** for nothing. I wish you all the best in your endeavors and you find the help you need in your neck of the woods.
Tbaxi, are you in Huntsville AL by chance?. I have a old friend of mine in the Decatur area.. not exactly a smithy but a incredible machinist. He has cut, threaded, chambered.etc. I'm not sure to what degree he can help. Actually I'll have to see if he is still making chips. Lol. A good Smithy would be great to apprenticeship under. But that isn't what your path in life has for you now. No big issue.. at a point you can pick up those skills after your degree... What you will really find out is you really want to pay a skilled very experienced person to do those things unless you just love tinkering...and taking the risk. Many here do and are accomplished at it. Good luck .shoot a lot and have fun.. I'll try to post what I find or PM me and I'll find out from John if he has time or not.
No, actually I'm in Tuscaloosa, so I'm the opposite direction. However if you are speaking of the same John I was talking about earlier then I have already been in contact him
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