Swarovski with TDS or Zeiss with Target turrets


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2002
I'm contemplating making a scope change for a lightweight hunting rifle. Right now I have a Swarovski 4-12x50 with the TDS-4 Reticle. and I'm contemplating selling it and buying a Zeiss Conquest 4.5-14x50 with Target Knobs. The zeiss is about 3oz's heavier, no big deal. But the main difference is that the Zeiss has the Target knobs and the Swarovski doesn't and you can't have them added either. The swarovski has the TDS reticle but it isn't as precise as target knobs would be possibly. But I like the Swarovski optics a bit better. So what should I do.. For big game hunting is the TDS accurate enough or should I go with something with Target knobs? What would you do? Thanks.
I an many others prefer target knobs of BDC's. It is a far more accurate way to adjust for range and windage rather than just holding with the reticle.
Personaly i use scopes from the S&B PMII series with either the Mildot or Klein(gen 2 mildot), I will however be changing to the new P4 reticle as soon as it becomes available in the 4-16x50 and 4-16x42.
I dial in my adjustment most of the time, but also have the markings on the reticle plotted for quick hold overs and windage. If you have BDC's and a reticle you can range with (you can range with any exept maybe a single post) you have the best of both worlds.
Important is repeatability and positive click adjustment when BDC's are bieng considered.
I agree I think the BDC would be a better mousetrap. I would love to put a Schmidt and Bender on but the cost and weight are prohibitive for this rifle. I really need something pretty lightweight and around the same cost. I've also considered a Leupold VX3 but I've never been impressed with their optics.
The TDS is fine for big game, and gives an approximate idea of compensation parameters as long as you have taken the time to check their result with your selected ammo. But in my opinion, they are not to be used as standarized in the way a mil dot could be.

I am currently using a TDS and longest hits have been posible adjusting the proper height and windage in the turrets ( taking the caps off of course). So for long range you are better off playing with the turrets than trusting the TDS, at least in my opinion.
I just replaced a Burris Euro Diamond which had the Ballitic Plex (Same as TDS), with a Ziess 4.5x14x50 Zplex with Target turrets. First thing I noticed was much better optics, resolution and brightness. Second, the repeatability in the turret adjustments is very accurate. Finally, I can make quick and accurate adjustments for any load, I am not restricted on to a generic bullet path.
Target knobs are my choice and the Zeiss is a great scope for $613.00 (opticzone).Not as good as NightForce, but half the cost and 2/3rds the weight.

Good Luck & Good Shooting
cheap and light weight, DBC and a range of reticles,, then i'd go with one of the Zeiss Conquest scopes. they are tremendous value for money. They aren't a S&B, Swarrovski.Zeiss pure bred but they are better than the Leupolds etc IMHO.
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