Should we start to boycot these high prices?

Yup, I passed on some breaks of #400 primers @ 130.00 each and caved on the #41 @ 89.00 yesterday. I felt like I scored big?!?!?!?! Weird
Keep in mind that is HIS pricing book with HIS margin, economic factors ect. There are so many variables that may require an extra 5-20%.

I personally call on 2 dealers that are .6 miles away from each other. One has to pay an extra 4% due to the location of his store. That 4% has to be made up somewhere . That's only one variable .
Go ahead and pay 400.00 to your door for the same powder ill gladly stick the extra 100.00 in my pocket
Not trying to sound like a Richard cranium, but you must not be a farmer! I understand there's a few people that make a living doing this stuff, but it's way worse in other professions
Really? Price rip-offs are common on everrything - try to buy a newe truck lately? But those that try to rip us off and support these rip-offs need to get shut down. If someone is DUMB enough to support these rip-off artists they deserve what they get.
I've been boycotting the crazy prices the last 2 years. That is when your boycott should have started. Some of the items will never return to prices we had 5 or 10 years ago due to inflation but I'm not restock my supplies unless I find reasonable prices. I don't think many of the quality companies that provide ammunition and reloading supplies have been trying to take advantage of us during this whole mess. Many of these companies have increased there prices due to inflation. Their cost of supplies, shipping and labor has increased substantially during this whole pandemic.
There are some stores and companies that have been taking advantage of the situation and have damaged their reputation with consumers. I did see some R16 behind the counter last week. When I saw the price of $79.99 for one pound, I told them "no thank you". Last fall, in a different store I multiple large boxes of Winchester small rifle primes on the shelf. They had at least a couple hundred thousand primers. However, the price was something ridiculous, like $0.15/primer. Those are the type of prices we all need to boycott. Until everyone stops paying these crazy prices, we won't see regular supplies at reasonable prices.

I'm am wondering if I (we) should start to boycot these companies that are bending us over, charging these extortionate prices on reloading supplies. This high price greed is not ok. They are praying on the pandemic pricing craze. There is no way that their raw materials have gone up that much to warrant these high prices. Maybe we need to just say "enough of this crap. Stuff your prices!"
Whether we boycott or not doesn't matter because we are not controlling the market, the government is working against Americans to stifle 2nd amendment rights through the buying 80% of all the ammo made and then destroying it. If you think you can do anything against this, think again. Write your Congressmen and vote. These NWO elites know they can't completely overthrow an armed public but they can enslave a defenseless one. Look at what they did with the covid and how many people threw common sense out and did what they were told knowing it was wrong. We are doomed as a free nation because we have decided to live under tyranny and have traded our rights and freedoms for security against a fictional entity. Pray that God has mercy on our children. Happy shooting.
Not trying to sound like a Richard cranium, but you must not be a farmer! I understand there's a few people that make a living doing this stuff, but it's way worse in other professions
I am a farmer and liquid fertilizer along with farm fuel is ridiculous, not too mention the rise in electricity cost for production. Farn fuel (non taxable off road) is suppose to be less the taxes, but when 25-30 cents/gal less isn't right! That red die must be extremely expensive!
If the product you want is worth it to you at the price offered, then buy it. If its not, then don't.

From a longer term supply perspective, high profits attract investment in the industry and competition, which ultimately increases the amount of available product and reduces prices. Simple economics.

And of course, vote and vote wisely.
@jpfrog, here you go Brother ...

It is a free market. People can put any price they want to on the item they are selling. We don't have to buy it. It's a sad state of affairs right now. There is blame to go around in many different directions. Everyone that stocked up before the supply shortage is instantly brilliant. Those that did not are just in a tough market and have to make personal decisions. I will buy what I need and not lose any sleep over it.

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