Shawn Carlock Video - "Send It" Vol 1, NOW AVAILABLE

re: Shawn Carlock Video - "Send It" Vol 1, NOW AVAILABLE

Awesome. Based on your last video, I can't wait for this one to come out Shawn. :D When will it be available you think???
re: Shawn Carlock Video - "Send It" Vol 1, NOW AVAILABLE

"Pole Axed his A*$" This will no doubt become the new terminology....almost as notable as "Dirty Booger" , "Nature Nazi" and other favs. My video must be out of sync with the sound because Travis and Dad were talking poleaxed long before he fell when I played the video. Put me down for a copy, Shawn...looks like some more excellent long range hunting vids.....30-338 Thanks again Shawn
re: Shawn Carlock Video - "Send It" Vol 1, NOW AVAILABLE

Yup, "Dirty Bugger" and "Stoned Him" are out, it's "Pole Axed his ***" for 2009..


re: Shawn Carlock Video - "Send It" Vol 1, NOW AVAILABLE

The first video was very informative for a novice shooter as myself. I was pleased with him sitting down and walking "me" through the Exbal program as well. The program comes with little (no) instructions. Shawn did an excellent job and I only wish Idaho was closer for one of his schools.
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re: Shawn Carlock Video - "Send It" Vol 1, NOW AVAILABLE

This new video is more shooting and hunting. There are 12 field practice shots (out to 1500+) and 12 long range hunts (out to 1000). It is right at 2 hours long. Glad you guys liked the clip. I hope to have them in hand and available late Feb. I guess I'll have to start thinking of new terminology for 2009.:)
re: Shawn Carlock Video - "Send It" Vol 1, NOW AVAILABLE


I watched the clip and the audio for some reason is bunched up and not timed with the shot correctly. Not sure what that is all about.
re: Shawn Carlock Video - "Send It" Vol 1, NOW AVAILABLE


Book me down for one !

I wondered when that footage would turn up. That was one hell of a buck your Dad took ! One hell of a shot too !



PS - Shot the group of my life with that stick you made for me. 3 shots... 4"... 1350 yards.
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