SEALs vs Pirates


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2008
Vice Adm. Bill Gortney said Phillips, 53, was tied up and in "imminent danger" of being killed because a pirate on the lifeboat held an AK-47 assault rifle to the back of his head.
In an interview with NBC's TODAY show, Gortney said it took only three shots to kill the three pirates.
Interviewed Monday from Bahrain, Gortney said the take-down happened shortly after the hostage-takers were observed by sailors aboard the USS Bainbridge "with their heads and shoulders exposed."
Gortney described the snipers as "extremely, extremely well-trained." He said the firing by the snipers was ordered by the captain of the Bainbridge after the pirates "exposed themselves" to attack.

Inside the rescue
April 13: TODAY's Meredith Vieira talks to Vice Admiral Bill Gortney, commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, about the rescue.
Today show

U.S. Defense officials said snipers got the go-ahead to fire after one pirate held an AK-47 close to Phillips' back. Two other pirates popped their heads up out of the lifeboat, giving snipers three clear targets from the Bainbridge, one official said.
Military officials Monday described the snipers' operation as remarkable — firing at a small lifeboat 25 yards away at night and from the stern of a ship on rolling waters.
The SEALS arrived on the scene by parachuting from their aircraft into the sea, and were picked up by the Bainbridge, a senior U.S. official said.
A fourth pirate surrendered after boarding the Bainbridge earlier in the day and could face life in a U.S. prison. He had been seeking medical attention for a wound to his hand and was negotiating with U.S. officials on conditions for Phillips' release, military officials said.
-Article from MSNBC

Maybe becaue I am squid that has worked with SEALs before or because I like precision shooting so much but either way after hearing and reading this story I could stand up for 10 minutes becasue of how indecent I would have looked. Freaking awesome story! I cant believe this forum hasn't been blowing up this sort of thing.
Anyways this is better than the movies!
**** good job shooting under pressure and on rolling seas. I keep hearing different versions of the shot, from 100ft to 300 yards, I guess you cant expect the news to get it right.

I heard someone on Fox today speaking in total amazement that the snipers involved actually had to account for wind because it can apparently blow a bullet of course....who knew?:rolleyes:

Proud that this country stood up for something and did things right. And that our men in uniform were, as always, up to the task.
Not much wind to contend with @ 25-30 yards. What surprises me is the irresponsible way in which we provide all the details to the public. Even the pirates won't make that mistake again, thus, making the next rescue even more difficult.

Why not just say that the Captain was recover and 3 pirates were killed in process with a 4th in custody. End of story. The media makes the bad guys smarter with every story.

All those forensics shows are just making domestic murders smarter too. If we didn't advertise how all these crimes were solved we'd be a lot better off.

I like hearing the details but the down side of this openness should be obvious.
Right before this happened my dad had made the comment about the Seals should be called in. Being an ex-navy guy I told him that they were already there. However I thought they would come up from under the water and not drop on to the Bainbridge. Anywho they got the job done and I hope it sends the right message to the pirates that we won't stand for this kind of crap. I foresee the Navy keeping a presence in that are for some time to come. I remember hanging out off the coast years back when we had some guys on the ground there. Didn't work out to well for all parties involved. :(
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