SCHOOLS- no longer soft targets

And anyone with common sense knows that the marxists, who seek to impose their atheistic version of heaven on earth and enforce it by whatever means necessary(see the history of the ussr) will use divide and conquer techniques to achieve their political aims.

*first they will ban semis, the most useful item in the arsenal of self defense for private civilians.

*next it will be handguns, which they have been working on since the 60's, with a brief hiatus to attack the rising popularity of semi rifles.

both of these are under the guise of "you cant use these for hunting" and "they are just for killing people", etc. In order to appeal to the sell-out types who think that their own 30-30's will be left alone. But after these things are accomplished.....

* next it will be precision rifles, which will be called "snipers weapons" or "assassins weapons" that fire bullets capable of penetrating bullet proof vests. Heck, the left might even cause a shooting or two where the victims are engaged by long - range fire which they cannot respond to, leaving many dead.

*and when they've come for everyone else, and there is no one left to defend you, they'll finally come for your 30-30.
And anyone with common sense knows that the marxists, who seek to impose their atheistic version of heaven on earth and enforce it by whatever means necessary(see the history of the ussr) will use divide and conquer techniques to achieve their political aims.

*first they will ban semis, the most useful item in the arsenal of self defense for private civilians.

*next it will be handguns, which they have been working on since the 60's, with a brief hiatus to attack the rising popularity of semi rifles.

both of these are under the guise of "you cant use these for hunting" and "they are just for killing people", etc. In order to appeal to the sell-out types who think that their own 30-30's will be left alone. But after these things are accomplished.....

* next it will be precision rifles, which will be called "snipers weapons" or "assassins weapons" that fire bullets capable of penetrating bullet proof vests. Heck, the left might even cause a shooting or two where the victims are engaged by long - range fire which they cannot respond to, leaving many dead.

*and when they've come for everyone else, and there is no one left to defend you, they'll finally come for your 30-30.


That is why it is imperative that we stop or mitigate the so called "blue wave" this November.
Hmmm, teachers using school supplies, school funds, and school time to indoctrinate the students and other teachers and have Debbie Miller (on behalf of Giffords) speak...And NOBODY got fired? Also, Giffords is an anti-2nd Amendment anti-gun group funded by Michael Bloomberg... So, that's proof enough they are colluding to destroy the 2nd Amendment. Time to take these scumbags down by exposing their lies and deceit and evil agenda to the public. Share with everyone what these anti-American assholes are REALLY up to...

While I like the conversation here, I truly hope that all who have contributed to this thread- and those who have simply read it without response- will also be proactive locally.

Gotta chime in here. I'm a School Resource Deputy here in Kentucky (unfortunately our state was the FIRST state this year to experience this kind of evil). Having been in Law Enforcement for 13+ years there have been SEVERAL situations where I've had my weapon(s) trained on someone WITH the intention of using it. Thank God I've never had to. Hard to know how you will react to a situation like that until you're thrust head-long into it. As for the responders/guards who "hid" or "froze" at the front door to the most recent tragedy I can only shake my head in a complete lack of understanding. I wasn't there so I hesitate to speculate on the in's and out's of why no one went in to try and save/protect more children. What I can say with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY is that I am charged with the safety and security of the children at my schools FIRST and FOREMOST and if that means I have to sacrifice myself to accomplish that charge.....then so be it. It's a package deal that I accepted a long time ago. As a road deputy, when in a "confrontation" I always had it in my head that "I'm going home matter what". As a School Resource Deputy it's now in my head that "These kids go home matter what". In an "Active Shooter" situation WE GO IN regardless of whether it's a school-house or a dog-house. There's a safe in my office fully stocked and ready to go. There's 2 extra ballistic vests hanging in my office to throw on the nearest kids to me in the event something unspeakable happens, AND if I happen to be outside when/if the unspeakable happens I've got a fully stocked/armed cruiser to obtain what I need.........and then GO RUNNING IN.

-Just my proactive 2 cents. Time to go eat lunch with my kiddo's!!;)
Meanwhile in Israel, our president who is described by the media as "racist" and "anti-semetic" just had the Jerusalem soccer team renamed after him, as a show of respect.

And speaking of Israel, there are some things that they do right there - like having armed, ex-military personnel guarding schools and other targets that terrorists might try to hit.

Terrorism in schools is nothing new, nor is it unique to the USA "because of the NRA". No, in addition to the democrat activists who have targeted schools in this country (look up their political affiliations if you don't believe me) there was that huge school attack in Beslan Russia by muslim terrorists. There they used RPG's, grenades, and real "weapons of war" but even in countries where firearms are outright banned by tyrannical governments (like china), idiots still find a way to attack and kill - like knives or gasoline.

4 or 5 well-vetted, well armed and armored vets (ex-Marine, ex-army with combat experience), combined with metal detectors at the front door would work wonders in eliminating these school shootings. Just their presence would eliminate 99% of the plotting, and if a real crazy ever tried to go through with it anyway, these guys would handle it fast.

of course the leftists would scream their heads off at the thought of having that kind of armed guards at school. I wonder why.
RIP to the victims...

As for the here we go again part, It's ok... The anti's shouldn't be talking much this time, as none of it fit their gun-grabbing anti-gun narratives. He was only 17 (not legally old enough to purchase ANY guns), and used an illegal sawed-off shotgun and a revolver... Instead of one of those deadly "assault rifles"... :rolleyes:

Also, anyone else find it coincidental that the last 2 school shooters had Russian/Ukrainian names? Nikolas Cruz, Dimitrios Pagourtzis... Not trying to insinuate anything, just figured that it might potentially be worth noting.
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@MudRunner2005 cruz is spanish / Hispanic. His brother has a darker complexion and brown eyes. This new bro is Greek.

I hate the news so much. They are the real enemy. Maybe Texas will be the only state with balls and fry this kid.
@MudRunner2005 cruz is spanish / Hispanic. His brother has a darker complexion and brown eyes. This new bro is Greek.

I hate the news so much. They are the real enemy. Maybe Texas will be the only state with balls and fry this kid.
Yes, and no... The spelling "Nikolas" is a very common Russian spelling of the name (as well as Hispanic), and Cruz (while also a very common Hispanic last name), could have been shortened along the way from Cruzchev...Or something to that effect. Not saying it was, just pointing out that it could be a possibility. And Dimitri has always been a very popular name in the Ukraine, although his last name does sound very Greek, I will give you that.

That's where my line of thinking was... It was just thinking out loud, nothing really meant by it.
I think we need to find a way to address the press getting to children that have just experienced extreme trauma.

These kids should be with:their parents, the police, counselors, or their friends.

The shark tank that is news right now should not have access to these 15 year olds, so they can shove a damned mic in front of them and hope their adrenalined brains say something that might make them some more money.

One of the kids today named someone they saw killed on national tv, before they had been identified at all. That's so awful for the friends and family of that child watching and it will be on YouTube forever. It's not the 15-17 year olds fault for saying it, they never should have been put in such a position to begin with.
RIP to the victims...

Also, anyone else find it coincidental that the last 2 school shooters had Russian/Ukrainian names? Nikolas Cruz, Dimitrios Pagourtzis... Not trying to insinuate anything, just figured that it might potentially be worth noting.

the left hates Russia so much because they kicked out the communists and most educated people from behind the Iron Curtain despise communist ideals now. So the left looks at that almost like heresy or political apostasy. After all, the central tenet of leftism is world uniformity. So if the former world leader of that trash stops and rejects those ideals, all the rest of the group will turn on them like a pack of mad dogs.
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