Savage .17 hmr ammo questions

Blood Trail

Apr 16, 2010
Last night, I won a Savage .17 hmr 93R17BTVS blue lam. stocktopped with a Pine Ridge tactical scope. Supposely, if I sight in at 100 yards, the scope compensates for 300 yards. There is a ton of .17 HMR ammo out there. Do they all have pretty much the same accuracy? This is my first .17. Any pointers? Thanks in advance!
Congradulations on your win! My Savage liked the Hornady 17gr. A-Max's best. I tried the CCI stuff and the Hornady came out on top. Have fun and you might want to break the barrel in by shoot 1 and clean with a copper cleaner and repeat at least 10 times or until there is no more fouling present. Mine shoots like a dream. Savage has some great info regarding trigger work, along with some other great tips.
My son and I both have Marlins and love them. They are consecutive numbers and oddly enough, mine shoots the CCI best and his shoots the Hornady best, both with 17 gr. Overall though we buy Hornady as it performs very well in both. The worst we tried was the Federal.
I'll give another nod to the 17grain hornady amax's, They've always shot the best in my savage. It seems to shoot everything well, but the best accuracy I got from the amax's. You've got a great little rifle there, first time out in my back yard I put 5 rounds through the same hole at 50 yards to say I was impressed is an understatement.

In my experience with various .17 hrm's I've found that the 17 gr bullets usually always group better than the 20 grainers and the hornady's are usually a tad tighter shooting than the other brands, but they all shoot quite small groups.
well first of all congrats on winning the gun.
Now I am now expert far from it really
But I have a few comments.
I have been shooting a marlin since the year they came out now I have two and am building a third one on a m77 action.
I only shoot the hornady 17 gr VMAX( I have never seen a hornady amx in 17hmr) they shhot good and have more pop on the varmits.
The type of scope you got is not great quality but they work good I can make 300 yard shots all day if there is no wind
Wind is a killer on this round
anything bigger than a squril you need to make head shots(in the ear)
I shoot around 1500 rounds a year take care of it and it will shoot.
Again congrats and have fun.
another good source for info is rimfrire central.
i also own a savage 17hmr. i have tried hornady,federal & winchester loaded with a 17 gr. amax bullet and the point of impact at 100yds. is almost the same. i've found them to be very accurate and very deadly.gun)
My Savage likes the Hornady 17gr V-MAX.


Amax is a boattail, V-max is a flat base. :cool:
The v-max has given the best accuracy out of my Marlin but the T-N-T hollow point gives the best performance beyond 100 yards on game. They all shoot very good though.

Tried the CCI,Federal, Remington, and Hornady in my savage.

All but the CCI if I remember correctly used the 17gr v-max, I think the CCI had a 17gr speer hollow point in it.

I buy the Hornady ammo now by the case as it shoots the best in my rifle.

Congrats on winning an EXCELLENT firearm, there is nothing better than watching your buddies jaws hit the ground when you start dropping squirrels at 100yds with a rimfire.
Tried the CCI,Federal, Remington, and Hornady in my savage.

All but the CCI if I remember correctly used the 17gr v-max, I think the CCI had a 17gr speer hollow point in it.

I buy the Hornady ammo now by the case as it shoots the best in my rifle.

Congrats on winning an EXCELLENT firearm, there is nothing better than watching your buddies jaws hit the ground when you start dropping squirrels at 100yds with a rimfire.

dont stop at 100 yards
we have gotten to 284 yards with ours
you need good conditions no wind ect and a good spotter but in the right conditions it will amaze you.
sure is a hoot to shoot
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