Rl 17 in 6.5 creedmoor

I've used superformance and seen great results, cover 4 shots with a nickel @100yds. I'm using Sierra GK SBT 140g and 46.2g of powder. But I would like to know if it's temp sensitive?...

I tried superformance in my gun (same as yours) during winter and got 1-1.25" results. This was during the load development with rl17 which shot .5" consistently and sometimes tighter with 4 shot groups. Im at 2400' though. What time of year have you shot yours with superformance? I'm not sure if it's temp stable but it's not an extreme powder i dont believe so probably not.
If you generally like RL 17, then try the new RL 16 which is temp stable and has the copper eraser tech as well. I am playing with it in my 6.5 CM Savage 10BA Stealth rifle and getting decent results. I am shooting Nosler 140 gr RDF, 43.0 gr RL16, BR4, and getting 2700 fps with about .5 moa groups at 100 yds. Still not finished playing with seating depths
If you generally like RL 17, then try the new RL 16 which is temp stable and has the copper eraser tech as well. I am playing with it in my 6.5 CM Savage 10BA Stealth rifle and getting decent results. I am shooting Nosler 140 gr RDF, 43.0 gr RL16, BR4, and getting 2700 fps with about .5 moa groups at 100 yds. Still not finished playing with seating depths

I would if I could find some! Looks as hard to get as h-4350
Went out and shot some rl-17 with the 143 eldx load. It was 65-70 degrees and cool and my groups shrunk back down to 1/2 moa. My dope charts were way off which I suspected. This load gets really hot when it's hot out (90 degrees). It speeds up like 200fps and accuaracy goes out the window! Looks like I'll be shooting in the cool of the morning with this load until I can work up something more stable.
I tired RL-17 in my GAP built 260 Rem. since I had it laying around after running out of H4350. I used the load at two Events with mixed results, shot the last of it just this month. 425+ rounds. If the ammo gets hot the speed goes up, +70-80 fps from a average of 2815 with the 139 Scenar. That was ammo that was hot to the touch BTW. i.e. Sitting in the truck and the gun too, and yes that was to test it.

I missed H4350 this week at the LGS by a day and it was all gone! I haven't seen any in almost a year now! RL-17 did give an added 100 fps vs. H4350 with the same powder charge. Although IMO was not worth the trouble since a shooting Match can start early morning and finish late afternoon with huge changes in temp outside during the day.

That said I have tested H4831SC with great results, but loads are compressed, and a bit slow.
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