Reloading safety reminder

I have one of the primer tools like this man has, the design has one flaw …. There is no
"Over" tube on the primer magazine/tube.
On my Redding turret press I always screw on the over tube

I agree.....I also have the same priming tool, but I quit it years ago and went to the 21st Century hand primer and couldn't be happier.
I store my primers and bullets on these plastic stands. Do you think they would be prone to conducting static electricity and do you think spraying them down occasionally with static guard or the like would be a good idea?

That looks painful and sure hope he heals up fine.


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Hope he is OK.

My guess was the case wasn't inserted all the way in the shellholder when the primer punch went up and compressed the primer to ignition.

I have the original one that came on the RockChuker but have never used it. I use an RCBS bench mounted APS tool.
two friends while using a progressive loader (both using the same loader) at different times had the primers explode while priming cases and the primers shot into the ceiling. same loader a couple months apart, after it happened to the one he gave it to the other guy and then it happened again. I think a primer flipped over and they forced it into the case and it blew. I have the loader now and have better sense and and knowledge and have loaded many thousands with it and no problems. when talking to the company they told me that Federal company does not recommend using Federal primers in any progressive loader due to the fact they can blow up
I just got into progressive reloading and bought a cheap Lee 4000.. Now I know why the priming operation is manual and the parts are made out of plastic it's plastic so they're not gonna explode like metal parts.. Maybe Lee is smarter than we give him credit for. That's why they tell you to store powder and primers in a wooden cabinet and ventilated cabinet so it doesn't create A-bomb
This just happened recently to a shooter near me....Pure speculation on what set the first one off, the rest went like popcorn. Be safe out there.

@orkan <<If I'm not mistaken this is one of the CPS selling points.

I'm not connected to Primal Rights in any shape form or fashion for the record.

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I don't load that much any more so I find the Sinclair primer tool works just fine. I can't get in too big a hurry with it. I feel for the poor fellow whose hands are pictured.
I also wish the accident victim a rapid and complete recovery. I believe this to be an important discussion, among the most important on this excellent forum. Not just as a safety reminder directed to accident prevention, but also to examine possible causes of this and related accidents so that both our best practices and instruction of new reloaders can be continually improved. Our avocation/hobby is under attack and receives criticism from many sides, it is increasingly important that it not be portrayed as inherently unsafe and subject to unexplainable random accidents, rather it is remarkably predictable and safe, in large part due to consistent quality of components (when we can get them) and shared accurate knowledge among experienced practices and those entering the field. It takes some courage, IMHO, to report and elaborate such accidents and near misses when they occur, it's not easy, but I think it helps us all, my thanks to OP and those who commented.

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