Reason for long range


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2002
Loon Lake WA
Had a friend bring me a target today, where he had fired 30 rounds that fit under a quarter. Only problem, they were fired at 40 yards with a 22. It was nice shootin, and not to belittle anyones acomplishments as far as shootin go, but I had a target of my own that was nowhere near as tight, but it was shot at over 330 yards. Everything inside 6" with a 300 Weatherby.Not fancy shootin by any means, but purty good for me! I've had the desire to shoot long range for a long time. Not the extreme accuracy as most shooters on this site are capable of, but mostly hunting oriented. Only, life gets in the way somtimes! It started when I just couldn't seem to get close enough to get at some elk. I just wanted to extend my kill range. So I just hope to get in as much practice as possible as the year progresses, and extend that range to somwhere around 600 yards. This site is a big help in that department, so hey, lets keep it up so's I can read where and how its goin on! littletoes.
I can't really pinpoint the reason that I like to shoot longer distances than most do. It's just something I've always wanted to do, since I was a little boy.

I remember my Grandfather building me my first shooting range for shooting his .22 ( I wasn't old enough to buy my own yet ) He sat it up for me to shoot from fifty yards. He was no sooner done and I asked him if we could move it back to 100 yards.

He used to pay me a quarter for every sparrow and chipmunk I could bring him. The money was nice for a kid, but I was far happier making those long shots. And it didn't take long for the little critters to learn to stay away from me.

Long range hunting has always been my dream, I just had to wait until I left the Indiana River bottoms for the high desert valleys of Arizona a couple of years ago to begin working on it.
For me its the challenge of hitting a target at extreme ranges with accuracy, and confidence. Knowing that what you've hit was a product of your willingness to strive for perfection. To build the rifle, attain the proper loads and finally see your product perform.
It's the thrill of placing an object that you do not have direct control over throughout its flight path once it leaves the muzzle to hit its mark.
When game is concerned it lowers the heart rate, when distance is a factor you can take your time, get yourself into the bubble, and make a shot you know will hit its intended spot.
Then to sit back and ponder the ability of what such a little projectile could do, when they study how to destroy possible asteroids in a collison path with the world millions of miles away.
It's a great feeling whether it be 50 yards for the kids or 1500 for the adults, the challenge is still there, the thrill is still there, the heart pounding and the fun is still blissful when it connects.
Just my 2 cents.

To me, Long-range hunting is an accomplishment that I NEVER knew as a short range hunter.

After many deer and a bear or two in Pennsylvania, it was easy killing an animal with my trusty 270 rifle.
When introduced by some well known LR hunters to the sport, I was hooked.

It took one hunting season with some excellent LR friends and I had enough equipment of my own the next season, to have an understanding of bullet placement after a lot of practice during the summer months on groundhogs. After a lot of coaching by the LR friends, I was on my way into another World of Hunting.
Everything has progressed from there concerning the equipment, the capabilities of that equipment and myself.

Before entering the sport, I never realized the math and trajectory understanding that one MUST have BEFORE pursuing this interesting sport. I soon got a crash course from my experianced friends who were and still are some of the best and who on occasion, go with me to this day.

What I like about LR Hunting is the feeling of true accomplishment when you watch the bullet go from point A to point B and into the animal so far away. Not only can you see this happen but, to watch how quickly that animal drops and dies, is amazing.

For the doubters I can only say to you, it's the fastest and cleanest kills a hunter can make on a game animal when you have practiced extensivly and have the correct equipment and knowledge to place a bullet accuratly at extended range.

I'm so glad we have this site to try and educate those WHO ARE INTERESTED IN LEARNING how we do it and with what equipment we use.

For those who are anti LR hunters or writers who "loath" the sport of LR hunting, I can only say--stay in your own little World and continue to hunt the way you have known for so long---That's your right just as LR hunting is ours. We are here to stay.

Thanks Len for setting the standards on entering this site and to allow us to give as much information as we can to the person who "wants" to be a LR hunter without harassment.

I'm also glad you have that "delete" button to eleminate those who respond in any style of negativity toward us. We don't need anyone on here that questions the LR way because they have NO desire to EVER try it.

This is the "Longrange Hunting" site not the "lets harass the Longrange Hunting way because we don't like it" site.

I personally enjoy responding to those who are "serious" in learning how we do it so they may someday want to try it themselves, as I did so long ago. This is of course "only" after a lot of practice and with the correct equipment, tecnique and safety in mind to do so.

Keep up the good work as we need a site to open up and tell it like it is from the experiance we have gained over the years.

Do I like LR hunting, You bet I do ever since the first time my LR friends took me along with them.

Oh, I almost forgot, I used Matchkings on everything I have ever killed while LR hunting. So do my LR friends.

Darryl Cassel

[ 06-03-2002: Message edited by: Darryl Cassel ]
Why long range? Necessity, the challenge,and unwillingness to give up shooting and hunting entirely. Can't walk, so have to shoot from the truck or not shoot at all. Since the USFS has ruled "no off-road travel" on federal land in this area, it's varmints or nothing, since they don't have to be picked up. If you think that this policy is a slap in the face of those who fought and bled for this country, you're right.

On private land, antelope are my favorite "big" game, as the challenge is not only to drop them with a single shot, but drop them where they can be driven up to in the vehicle for recovery.

This is my first post here after lurking for a couple of months, and thought you should know where I'm coming from just in case some of my thoughts seem a bit radical. Hopefully there's room for someone in my position on this site. Thanks.

Most certainly there is room for you.
I think I speak for everyone on this forum.

Good luck and keep up the good shooting especially on the antelope.

Are you related to "Littletoes"?

Darryl Cassel

[ 06-03-2002: Message edited by: Darryl Cassel ]
LRH for me .. hmmmmm
Ever since I had my red rider BB gun I have always been fascinated as well a blessed with the ability to hit things at distance. I like the challenge of doing what most and many think is impossible or just to hard to try..or impossible to accomplish. I love the feeling of putting the pieces of the puzzle together that make things happen so far away the naked eye has to squint or strain to focus on... I also like the feeling of power or ability of power to do things without the animal or whatever knowing you exist.. the stealth part of it intrigues me .. I guess it is almost like a power trip in some respects..

without this site I would be years behind...

Thanks Len
Shure we're related, we're brothers in the long range game. Now, if I was to post a complaint about this site-I would say it is the fact that I started so late and missed so much! Hope you guys don't mind repeating some techniques! Thanks again Darryl. Didn't relize we were catching so much hell from the ant-longrangers. All we can ask is for you 'all to keep up the good work. Really enjoy reading about everyone's reasons. Sounds like most of our reasons are purty close to the same. littletoes.
The need to extend the range for a certain spot I wanted to hunt required a minimum 350yd shot.
I was always a better shot than anyone I hunted with, that gave me the confidence so I practiced for this the next summer. Keep in mind I was about 24 then and I never even heard of anything being killed outside of maybe 150yds, after all I grew up with a lever action Savage 308 and iron sights up until a couple years before this, scopes period were just plain new to me.

I killed a moose with the 338wm that fall and was hooked at LR, moving to the next clearing another 100yds out then the next. Everone thought I was crazy, using a piece of paper that had 350,400,450 and 500yd moa ajustments on it. Why for cryin out loud, they said, why would anybody use a 4x12 Nikon for hunting, all you'll see is fur and besides that's for target shooting not hunting.

Oh and lets not forget, What the hell are you doing shooting moose at 350yds from the hill for, your suppose to spot them up here and get close enough to "kill" them first not wound them from up here. When I found you guys back before over at I felt like I wasn't alone on the island I had been stranded on for so long, so to speak. Kinda freaked me out a little. Kinda silly, I thought I was the only one doing this "nonsense" back then. Wow do I live a long way away. Glad I bought a computer back then. I've learned one hell of alot from you guys since then with alot more to go.

I just enjoyed the new challenge I was learning about. Much more effort was required to learn it but the spot was productive with moose. We've eaten well for years now. All have been 350-640 yards since then except last years "several feet" shot.

I think it's a disease now.

[ 06-04-2002: Message edited by: Brent ]
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