Primos Alpha Dog for Kentucky coyotes


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2013
I live in Kentucky, and can legally night hunt with a rifle until 5/31.

I've got a Primos Alpha Dog, and would like suggestions on which calls to on for coyotes. It comes with several coyote sounds, but I don't want to just randomly pick sounds that may scare them off.

Any suggestions on which calls to use?
Oh man.

Start listening to podcasts and youtube videos. There is an absolute wealth of information out there. Study the coyote life cycle, and know that you'll live and die by it as a coyote caller, and then get started. You'll learn more by getting out there than anyone will ever tell you.

There are no magic sounds though. Nobody can answer your question in a couple sentences, and then that answer changes based on weather, temperature, setup, week of the year, wind direction, shooting setup, and about 500 other things. The best thing to do is get out there and get in their areas, and make all the rookie mistakes that you will inevitably make.
No matter what it is that you are going to call study that animal as much as you can . Spend time out observing them not trying to kill them so you can figure out what they live like and what they are saying . Coyote have a very complex language . Where I live the breeding season is drawing to a close , they will be setting up their home ranges and defending them . They are starting to stay in their own areas as well not invading other coyote areas . A non - aggressive coyote vocalization is always better to learn with over an aggressive one as you still will have coyote that aren't overly aggressive even in their home areas and being in a breeding pair . Study your prey and then study them more , learn from them they will teach you more then any person can . There is a lot of information out there as well as a lot of miss-information out there don't just read or watch one persons version of what coyote do or don't do that way you can sort the good and bad information out for yourself .
I just called Fish and Wildlife yesterday to verify date. They said May 31 for rifles on private land. You can't use a rifle on public ground anytime at night.
Very unclear on the website


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Doing more research the web site says ( Up and coming season Dec, 1 2022 thru May, 31 2023) So next years season will run till May, 31 2023. Apparently the officer I talked to had HIYA syndrome. Sure glad this subject came up or I probably would have been busted. Thanks for the clarification.