perplexing problem with berger 300's


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2010
Foley, MN
I cant get to shoot under an inch. Ive been shooting today with all differant lengths and differant charges od Rl25 and Retumbo. Some groups string left to right( no wind only 100yds) some douple 2 here 3 there or one there and 2 over there some scattered all over. Barrel is a Broughton 30'' with a brake. Also full length sized brass and fed large mag primers.
I cant get to shoot under an inch. Ive been shooting today with all differant lengths and differant charges od Rl25 and Retumbo. Some groups string left to right( no wind only 100yds) some douple 2 here 3 there or one there and 2 over there some scattered all over. Barrel is a Broughton 30'' with a brake. Also full length sized brass and fed large mag primers.

What chambering? MV? Twist rate?
Do you touch the land and in land seating.? Berger love to be seated in land.
How about different primer? CCI...
there may be hope threw 85 grns of rl 22 in and all were touchung in a round cluster. See what 2marow with some more the same. ???
Hmmmm, sounds like you may be shooting a RUM? RL-22 may be a bit fast for that bullet and cartridge???

The way I got mine to shoot exceptionally well is to seat the bullet shallow and and have to slam the bolt closed hard to get the bullet backed into the case enough for the bolt to close.

I honed the neck of the sizing die and don't use the plug to expand the neck after sizing half the neck. Its pretty weird but its the way she shoots the best. And it is good!

There is enough neck tension to extract a loaded round from the chamber but not from the rifle without releasing the bolt.

Just some experience to add to the pile.
Sounds like they are not designed for the .338 RUM or .338 Lapua.

Berger Bulletin » Update Regarding the .338 Hybrids

Not correct! They work well in either cartridge when pushed by the proper powder and a lesser velocities.

Burning powder burning rate has a big influence. Ball powders seem to give a steeper pressure curve which influences slumping. I shoot 'em at 2700+ ahead of 50 BMG out of a sporter RUM and they are spectacular.

Check Broz's post for quite a bit more information with the Lapua.
Not correct! They work well in either cartridge when pushed by the proper powder and a lesser velocities.

Burning powder burning rate has a big influence. Ball powders seem to give a steeper pressure curve which influences slumping. I shoot 'em at 2700+ ahead of 50 BMG out of a sporter RUM and they are spectacular.

Check Broz's post for quite a bit more information with the Lapua.

You are right on Roy. The killers to the Berger 300 Hybrids are, Ball powder, fast twists, and velocity near 3000.

I contunue to shoot them and with over 200 down range they are still .5 moa to way out there. I have shot them to a mile on 3 occations. The results were so good I need to do it again before I will believe it.

Sounds like they are not designed for the .338 RUM or .338 Lapua.

Berger Bulletin » Update Regarding the .338 Hybrids

From the report above: "So far there have been no reported cases of nose slump with cartridges in the following class: .338 Winchester Mag, .338 Norma Mag, .338 RUM, and .338 Edge, etc. "

The standard 338 Lapua is about the same as the EDGE and I know seveal on the board here are having no problem and great results in the standard Lapua. The problem starts to appear in the Lap Imps and more powerful cartridges.
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