Palins speach

Re: General Colin Powell pukes over Sarah Palin

Hunter and Sarah lovers... believe it or not Colin Powell just kicked McCain and Palin in the nuts. Wait - I guess he kicked McCain in the nuts twice. Once for McCain and once for Palin. :D :D :D

Cripes, who's clearer thinking than Colin Powell? Hunter... you still there? I'd have thought Colin must have read my posts on LRH. He's one helleva clear thinker in my book. I guess I'm not the only one able to see through the Palin fog. Just call me clear thinker!

Read it and weep. This makes it a TKO for Obama.

Powell endorses Obama for president - Meet the Press, online at MSNBC -

But he (Colin Powell) said McCain's choices in the last few weeks — especially his selection of Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska as his vice presidential running mate — had raised questions in his mind about McCain's judgment.

"I don't believe [Palin] is ready to be president of the United States," Powell said flatly. By contrast, Obama's running mate, Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, "is ready to be president on day one."

Powell also told NBC's Tom Brokaw that he was "troubled" by Republicans' personal attacks on Obama, especially false intimations that Obama was Muslim and the recent focus on Obama's alleged connections to William Ayers, a co-founder of the radical '60 Weather Underground.

Stressing that Obama was a lifelong Christian, Powell denounced Republican tactics that he said were insulting not only to to Obama but also to Muslims.

"The really right answer is what if he is?" Powell said, praising the contributions of millions of Muslim citizens to American society.

"I look at these kind of approaches to the campaign, and they trouble me," Powell said. "Over the last seven weeks, the approach of the Republican Party has become narrower and narrower."
Re: General Colin Powell pukes over Sarah Palin

Hunter and Sarah lovers... Just call me clear thinker!

Call you, phorwath, clear thinker? Not likely. Did you fall down and bump your head?

Colin Powell is one man, he's entitled to his opinion for whatever his reasons, just as Joe Liberman is.

As for me, and millions of other clear thinkers, we consider Sarah Palin more fit today for the presidency than a career politician nobody who is on the wrong side of the issues ever will be.
I use to think Colin Powers was a stand up guy, now I think is just another "Black Man" (I would like to call him something else, but must be PC on the web) sticking up for his "Homme". Talk about playing the "Race Card", he just did it. I no longer have any "Respect" for him.

As for you voting for Obama, that is fine with me..and you given right.. I am getting tired of your comments about Sarah. I "Will not loose any sleep" over you voting your choice. It's not my falt you are "WRONG" , and many have tried show you way is wrong. You must be "Very Hard Headed", at least on this subject.

How does it feel to be an "Outcast", I hope you can live with your choices. I do not understand your hate for Sarah.

I think I will no longer attempt to change your mind...Mine is also "Made Up" and you will never change it. Only time will tell...hope you like your new "Taxes" and them Dems giving your money to those "Free Loaders"

So I bid you GOOD BYE

Powell has always been an indecisive, affirmative-action promoted "token" general, and like Shots says "just another black man."

As for Sarah's resume vs. Yomama's: she's had a heck of a lot more experience in actually governing than the Annointed One!

Obama's obfuscation about his true intentions, combined with his socialist record, should raise red flags among all voters...but like Lincoln said: "You can fool all of the people some of the time."...and, with massive help from the media and rich leftist backers, Yomama seems to be doing just that. :mad:
How does it feel to be an "Outcast", I hope you can live with your choices. I do not understand your hate for Sarah.

So I bid you GOOD BYE


I've often been an outcast, yet correct. Heck, when Obama wins, you'll actually be the outcast.

I don't hate Sarah. I'd just hate to have here as my President. I gave her the benefit of the doubt as my Governor until Troopergate. Then she showed her true colors, even though she be a whitey. She's no different - just a plain old politician that abused her powers in office.
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Powell has always been an indecisive, affirmative-action promoted "token" general, and like Shots says "just another black man."

As for Sarah's resume vs. Yomama's: she's had a heck of a lot more experience in actually governing than the Annointed One!

Obama's obfuscation about his true intentions, combined with his socialist record, should raise red flags among all voters...but like Lincoln said: "You can fool all of the people some of the time."...and, with massive help from the media and rich leftist backers, Yomama seems to be doing just that. :mad:

You guys really shouldn't lower yourselves to black versus white, American Muslim versus American Christian. Maybe now I know why you think so highly of McCain and Palin. They seem to be doing the same thing ever since the polls showed they were losers.

If Powell had run for President this term on the Republican ticket you'd have all been drooling down your bibs, tickled to death with the man. Heck, I'd of been pretty happy too. He sure wouldn't have wasted the VP by picking Sarah Palin as his running mate. Clear thinker that I am, I know you all respected Colin Powell until the moment he threw his considerable reputation and support to that Christian black man, Democratic candidate for President, Barack Obama. Powell may be only one man, but he carries a tremendous amount of respect with the majority of Americans, black, white, Democratic, Republican, or otherwise. A lot more respect than Sarah the Hockey Mom.

Believe me, I don't hate Sarah. But I would hate to have her as either my Vice President or President. Look's like I'll be stuck with the majority, and as a consequence, stuck with Sarah as my Governor for at least the next two years. Maybe she'll help keep Alaskan skies free of those Soviet Mig Fighters.
Winston Church said "If by 19 your not a liberal you don't have a heart. If by 35 your not a conservative you don't have a brain". Just how old are you Phorwath? Mike
I guess this thread doesn't suprise me after all this is a GUN forum. However it's funny how many people are unable to open there mind to a another gun lover and his opinions. Single issue voting is a double edged sword. I'm keeping my nose out of this one as much as possible. I was just a little shocked at some of the coments directed at somebody that lives in Alaska and probably know's twice as much about palin as any of us. I didn't watch the debate and probably won't but wow! One guy says he doesn't like her and boom your a p.o.s.!
One guy says he doesn't like her and boom your a p.o.s.!

Thats because if you think differently than the majority, youre a pariah. And your opinions certainly could not be right, because youre different! Pretty sick irony given all the so-called "patriots" that play follow the leader in order to fit in. A herd of sheep...

Phorwath is just another free thinker mistaken for a "liberal" - its a **** shame that thinking freely is considered un-American these days.

And LOL at people who think presidents can magically take away guns. But I guess that should come as no surprise, considering the majority of the simpletons also believe talking to a ceiling can magically heal the sickly.
I guess this thread doesn't suprise me after all this is a GUN forum. However it's funny how many people are unable to open there mind to a another gun lover and his opinions. Single issue voting is a double edged sword. I'm keeping my nose out of this one as much as possible. I was just a little shocked at some of the coments directed at somebody that lives in Alaska and probably know's twice as much about palin as any of us. I didn't watch the debate and probably won't but wow! One guy says he doesn't like her and boom your a p.o.s.!

This election is far from a single issue matter. The two tickets are about as wide an idealogical divide on all concerns as possible. The choice is between Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan type of Americanism and a way of thinking that is straight from the mind of Carl Marx. Both phorwath and myself are from Alaska. I'm from Wasilla. I can tell you that we, phorwath not withstanding, have the highest regard for Sarah Palin here. Troopergate is actually a laughable matter because with it being the worst the liberals can dredge up on her, it shows just what a jewel we have in Sarah.
Winston Church said "If by 19 your not a liberal you don't have a heart. If by 35 your not a conservative you don't have a brain". Just how old are you Phorwath? Mike

Hey gabby/Mike, get a life. You'd probably like Sarah. Move to Alaska and she can be your Governor too.
Well, if this election turns out to be anything like the last one, I'm moving to a new country. The corruption in our goverment is far out of control.
This election is far from a single issue matter. The two tickets are about as wide an idealogical divide on all concerns as possible. The choice is between Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan type of Americanism and a way of thinking that is straight from the mind of Carl Marx. Both phorwath and myself are from Alaska. I'm from Wasilla. I can tell you that we, phorwath not withstanding, have the highest regard for Sarah Palin here. Troopergate is actually a laughable matter because with it being the worst the liberals can dredge up on her, it shows just what a jewel we have in Sarah.

You getting the hint Hunter? Maybe you're not so much the clear thinker you thought. A little narrow minded perhaps? What leads you to speak for Alaskans? Your beginning to remind me of "matador". The guy from Florida that speaks for me and Alaskans at large.

And the liberals didn't dredge troopergate up on Sarah. She dredged it up all by, and over, herself. Her husband lent a helping hand also, obviously with her blessings. You see, she failed to see the consequences of her spiteful act of revenge. She might as well have slipped a noose over her neck, handed the cord over to those she had disenfranchised, and said pull hard on this. Yeah, she's just the visionary type of clear thinker we need in the White House. Saturday Night Live will hate to see this election end. Sarah's been the best laugh they've had for years. All style - No substance.
Re: Palin a LANDSLIDE loser

How do we spell landslide. L-A-N-D-S-L-I-D-E

Definition: 1) The 2008 Presidential Election

Used in a sentence: Obama defeats McCain in a landslide victory.

Nighty night.
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