The new swaro has the best glass. But lacks in every other aspect.
Leica is second on glass, but lacks in the ballistic calculations.
Zeiss is third in glass, but ranges well out to a mile and gives accurate ballistic data with the correct inputs. No wind though.
I ended up with Zeiss again, after using all three. I won't mess with the wind on a long range shot on a game animal. So that part didn't bother me.
Definitely get what fits your personal needs, I would just recommend staying with the premium glass companies for a rangefinding bino. If you're dead set on linking kestrel, get the Leica. If you just want to use the kestrel separately to get an accurate wind hold, but want your binos to do the ranging and ballistic calculations, get the Zeiss. I got mine for $2500 from the forums.