% of B&C Whitetails


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2006
I was reading an article in the newest Quality Whitetails magazine from QDMA that referenced a study on the King Ranch. Of 2,659 antlered bucks researchers captured that were at least 1.5 yrs. old, only 4.2 percent scored at least 150 inches, and only 1 percent were 170 and higher. Of the 732 antlered bucks aged 5.5 or older, only 11.2 percent scored at least 150 inches, and only 1.9 percent were 170 and higher. I have seen similar numbers thrown around in different parts of the country so I think these percentages are probably about the best you can expect. This really puts things in perspective when you are looking at areas to hunt. You aren't going to shoot a B&C anywhere without some good luck.
Good luck and good genetics help. I think if you can harvest a mature deer, 3.5 years and older that scores 150 plus, you have a good trophy animal. In the last 8 years we have tired our best to only harvest mature deer on our family farm and we have taken some very nice deer. I will try to post pictures and what each deer scored, but in the last eight or so years a 170, 150, 140 and a couple that were pushing 140 have been harvested. I have only harvested one of these deer but I take just as much pride in all of them since I plant food plots, put out mineral and scout year around for them. Good genetics, hard work and selective hunting can lead to trophy animals.
Genetics are key

Here is a buck I took here in Illinois several years ago. Two different DNR people aged him at 3 1/2 years old. He scored 188 non-typical. Good genes and good corn.
that's a very impressive deer with a lot of inches but i would love to have seen him in a year or two.

i've killed some nice bucks but i don't know how to post pix.
Luck too

I forgot to mention that I also agree that luck plays a big role, also. I hunted a total of 10 years in that area to kill one buck of this caliber. Bucks like this just don't make many mistakes. I found two different bucks on that property that appeared to have died from natural causes. The antlers were pretty torn up by the time I found them but my guess would be that they were bigger than this one. I believe that once a buck reaches 4 to 5 years old they go mostly nocturnal and stay very reclusive, at least in my area of dense brush, plentiful food, and no baiting allowed.
To harvest B&C quality animals in any species you NEED certain elements.

1: You have to be in an area that hold such animals.

2: You need lots and lots of time.

3: You need mucho patience. You may only get one chance at your trophy. Leaving your scent behind or making the wrong noise ect...might cause him to move out to another location. Just because you can see him doesnt meen you can get him. You have to wait for the perfect opprotunity even if it means waiting for another day.

4: A little luck never hurt. Unless it is bad luck.

5: Percistance pays. Hunt every single day during your hunt from dark to dark even if the weather isnt comfortable.

6: Using the best gear money can buy (so long as it is actually worth it) can make or brake the ability to harvest such a trophy. The best glass to spot him at near dark and the best rifles to make the shot as well as the best supporting gear to make you comfortable during long glassing sessions. If youre not comfortable, you wont glass long enough to find what youre looking for.
When people talk about luck I don't think it get's the recognition it deserves. I would venture to say that a VERY high percentage of real monster deer are killed as a result of dumb *** luck. Around here, if 10 trophy deer are checked in I would say maybe 1 of them at best was killed by a truely skilled hunter. However, our rifle season is one week during the peak of the rut so there is a lot of margin of error.
When people talk about luck I don't think it get's the recognition it deserves. I would venture to say that a VERY high percentage of real monster deer are killed as a result of dumb *** luck. Around here, if 10 trophy deer are checked in I would say maybe 1 of them at best was killed by a truely skilled hunter. However, our rifle season is one week during the peak of the rut so there is a lot of margin of error.

That maybe true for an indavidual who has harvested ONE B&C critter in his whole life. For the guys who continually harvests B&C quality game, they may get lucky from time to time but rest assured most of their success has nothing to do with luck.
i tend to agree with both of these statements. one guy has a room full of serious trophy's that he spent countless hours on a year round basis to harvest maybe one trophy deer every three years. on the other hand, the real monsters are usually the result of blind luck. get a copy of the book "world record whitetails" by Gordon Wittington. he tells the account of quite a few of the current and past world records.see how many you would put in the luck or skill category. of course there's one chapter in there that's better than all the rest. maybe i'm just a little biased sense the story is my account of my world record deer. yes it was the easiest kill of all of my trophy's. like i said, i agree with both statements.
If talking about B&C bucks one of the important elements to taking such an animal is location. Not what part of the woods rather what part of the country or providence. I've spent 18 years hunting Georgia an was "lucky" enough to take a 184. Hunting Alberta the past 6 years I've managed to bring home two more that makes book. Aside from the two I did take, I saw at least two more that would make the minimums.

Staying in a stand from before shooting light until dark can be a real charter builder especially the last half of November in Alberta but word has it that few booners are ever taken from camp. Developing the ability to pass on a good many mature bucks is another requirement to increase your odds to be "lucky."

I've never developed a taste for tag soup but have endured such a meal more time than I care to mention.
hope this works.....

hopefully i can get the pics to post........
this one scoed mid 150's estimated age around 4 years

this one scored 130's and aged over 6 years

this one scored almost 140 and aged at about 3 years old

this one scored over 170 and aged at about 5 years old

all of these deer came off the same farm and hopefully over the next several years it will produce many more.
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