New Wby Accumark (break in)


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2011
Can some one explain why the Wby manual that comes with the rifle dose not
explain how to break in a new barrel??? As i see most aftermarket barrel suppliers do explain how to do the breaking.
Can some one explain why the Wby manual that comes with the rifle dose not
explain how to break in a new barrel??? As i see most aftermarket barrel suppliers do explain how to do the breaking.

They may be taking the neutral route to break in. (Its up to you).

I would do a shoot one and clean then repeat until you feel that it is ok(normally8 to 12 times)
then shoot 3 and clean and after 3 to 5 times then shoot as much as you want but dont let the
barrel get hot.

This will aid the barrel in less fouling, and normally it will speed up the load develoupment.

Thanks mate
Also i have been told to stay away from Sweets 7.62 Is there a replacement for the job sweets is suppose to do?
Thanks mate
Also i have been told to stay away from Sweets 7.62 Is there a replacement for the job sweets is suppose to do?

You are welcome!!!

I used Sweets for many years and found it very useful under certain circumstances.

It is very good for cleaning a severely fouled barrel without wearing out several brushes
but I never leave it in the barrel more than a half hour before removing it.

When I use Sweets I always follow it with a mild solvent to remove all of it and after the
barrel is clean apply some Hoppe's # 9 or a light coat of gun oil if it is going to be laid up
for a long time.

For normal cleaning I like the Butches Bore shine because it is much more mild, even so
I follow it with the hoppe's or oil for storage. Lilja recommends the Butches for his barrels
and if it is good enough for him it is certainly good enough for me.

Before I fire the rifle I always dry patch several times.

Thanks mate
Also i have been told to stay away from Sweets 7.62 Is there a replacement for the job sweets is suppose to do?

Sweets will work to remove copper in your barrel, but just don't leave it in there for much more than ten minutes. I have three bottles of 28% amonia, and I never leave it in the barrel longer than three or four minutes. Still if the stainless steel is fairly good you should be able to get by with as long as 15 minutes (I don't really recommend it). I like Shooter's Choice and Butch's Bore Shine for normal cleaning, and I still don't leave it in the barrel for a long time (I have plugged a barrel more than once to let it soak over night with no problems)
Thanks JE and Gary. Now i need some hot loads so i can use the bore cleaners...:D
JE what kind of velocity r u getting in the 30" with that load.

The best accuracy is with 118 grains @ 3312 ft/sec the Max load tested was 126grains @
3492 ft/sec and was still under 1/2 MOA but my rifle is set up for heavy loads and has lots
of freebore, so dont try it without working up slowley and watching for pressure signs.

The one thing I have noticed with the heavest loads is a huge fireball (I dont think the rifle is
using all of the powder) and with no increase in pressure signs I have backed off to 117 grains
and been very happy with SDs and Velocity.

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