Need a new stock weatherby backcountry

Composites suck. I'm a Vietnam Vet and can recall more than one incident when a soldier would jump for cover, under fire, and these composite stocks would break apart on their M16. How would you like to be in a fire fight with a busted weapon? Enough said.
If your going to replace the stock replace it with wood!
I totally agree with you but the OP specified he wanted an ultalight stock. He appears willing to trade one feature (lightness) for another (durability). That's what make horse racing and people who prefer a creedmore over a 7mm Mag. Let the comments begin.
What is going on? I was gonna ask, when were you born?
Like me he was probably born so long ago he has forgotten how wood swells, splits, warps, and weighs. It is hard not to admire a rifle dressed in a great piece of walnut, but it can give you fits. I am surprised Weatherby did not ask for the stock or whole rifle to be returned on the first call. My limited experience with the new Wby CS in Wyoming has been very positive.
I broke a weatherby wood stock.Also had warp,drilled and epoxy steel rod in forend.Have fiberglass,kevlar,light,could beat a bear to death with it.
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The weight difference between a composite and wood is so insignificant its ridiculous to use that as an excuse. I might buy the weather resistant excuse if you think it is worth it. Here you spend over $1K for that hunting trip, you get into the mountains and drop the rifle. Oh my! it busted the stock.
I had the same thing happen on my 300 wby Backcountry and the replaced it with a Fibermark stock. It is heavier, but since then no issues.
A friend also had the same thing happen. Although, I do know a few more with Backcounty's and no issues.
The weight difference between a composite and wood is so insignificant its ridiculous to use that as an excuse. I might buy the weather resistant excuse if you think it is worth it. Here you spend over $1K for that hunting trip, you get into the mountains and drop the rifle. Oh my! it busted the stock.
When's the last time you compared a quality composite with a quality wood stock? They are not even close .

How many times has anyone heard of breaking a stock? I broke a wood stock one time while hunting. For over twenty years I used composites and never broke one while hunting.
The weight difference between a composite and wood is so insignificant its ridiculous to use that as an excuse. I might buy the weather resistant excuse if you think it is worth it. Here you spend over $1K for that hunting trip, you get into the mountains and drop the rifle. Oh my! it busted the stock.
I have never dropped a rifle...or a baby. I was also part of a huge field trial of M-16s, M-4s, and M-203s all synthetic and never saw a stock failure.
My Lonewolf kevlar glass stock has seen some rough times as I stated broke my wood stock. I traded work for the glass and pillar bed,amazing work.My rifle survived this and didnt loose zero,I was traveling at highway speed,before evasive manuvers.Shoot my 6x6 last season with said rifle,was straped to my roll cage.


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