Necessity and Invention (lets see your gadgets).

AJ Peacock

Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2005
I've always been a 'tweaker' maybe it's my upbringing on a ranch and being able to fix anything with a little bailing wire and duct-tape. I'm constantly trying to find a better (err, cheaper) way to do things. Here are 3 of mine.

1) I couldn't find a bore guide to fit my 338 Allen Mag and after leaving several messages at different bore guide mfger's I decided to just make one myself. I cut down a fired case and epoxied a tube into the case. I used the plastic bodies from 20ga shells to make a perfect fit in the action. It holds it tight/straight and works like a charm.


2) I didn't like the 338 jag I was using, as it was too long, when I was cleaning, there was knurling that was not covered by the patch. It would rub/file on the opening of the bore guide if I wasn't really careful. I chucked it up in the drill press and a couple minutes work with a bastard file and I had a jag that was only .338 caliber under the patch and smooth elsewhere. It probably makes little difference, but I like it better :cool:.


3) Homemade scope level, using a picture frame bubble ($1.29 at the hardware store) and a dab of epoxy turned a Butler Creek scope cap into a very workable level. A small mark on the cap and scope body with a sharpie marker and I can always verify it is level (initially calibrated with the level-level-level). It is thin enough that it does not contact the lens on this scope.


Have a great day,
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Nice!! That's using the 'ol noodle...great job.

I have an idea...wouldn't it be great if some scope maker would give us multiple horizontal crosshairs that we could move indepent of each other? You know, set one at 100 yards, another at 200 yards, etc...
Really like the scope level! Tried to make one myself out of a bubble from a builders level and a weaver scope ring, only prob was the scope ring is 1" and my scope is 30mm. Was trying to see if the concept worked before I bought a 30mm ring, but I'm going to try your idea first.

That scope level rocks.:)

I also think that was a good idea with the Jag. I scratched the crown on one of my guns because the jag had a larger diamater than the rod. When I pushed i through the bore the rod feel to the bottom of the bore and when I pulled it back through it 90 degree shoulder on the jag hit the crown pretty hard.
One thing on the O-ring on the cleaning rod, make sure you keep it clean; you don't want a bunch of crud building-up on it and contaminating/scratching your bore...
BTW--this is a great thread...
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