My New Defensive Edge LRKM

Shawn also has hydro forming dies for sale or rent if you go with the Terminator +P. The forming of the brass is not hard at all and should not be an issue.


One question, why wouldn't you go with Terminator +P!?

Just my thoughts, if you are spending that kind of money, why not get one of the baddest ***** cartridges ever conceived! Unless you are shooting ALOT, the difference in price of the components in a year would be negligible. And the performance doesn't compare!
Not to hijack the thread, but are you guys seeing more velocity out of the NV500 series powders? I have a 338AX and a HS precision 338 Lapua that uses H1000. I am considering having the 338 changed to an improved to gain some velocity. My goal was to stick to a 26 inch barrel but you guys seem to either be in better shape or not have to pack a rifle into the mountains for a long hike?
Heres a funny one for you. I have a packer, but I packed my rig gun about 45 days this season one day 9 mile,just love the ergonomics of that rifle, and was in some big burn type area where I could launch..gun)
I have considered buying or trading for a 338 Allen Magnum but I didn't want to pack the rifle around. I have shot one in West Virginia and it is an awesome round for long range. It was about as heavy as my TAC 50 was.
Here is the new spare ammo carrier for the LRKM it is one of the last touches on the platform.

any new updates on this rifle, as far as throat wear and all that with the +p throat and all that?
we just added a second to the family same as dad's (Broz) but with a 30" Hart Barrel.gun):D


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