Military Binoculars


Active Member
Jun 14, 2007
Im going to purchase some Military Binoculars, but im kinda on a budget try to spend a reasonable amount. About have any suggestion of choice of product i should go with or maybe any experience with any military binoculars in general?
Im going to purchase some Military Binoculars, but im kinda on a budget try to spend a reasonable amount. About have any suggestion of choice of product i should go with or maybe any experience with any military binoculars in general?

Military Binoculars, i heard they were really expensive so in that case you might have to go with a off brand or not well known brand of binoculars. I will check into some good brands to see if there any high quality binos that slip into good price range.
I've no experience with military binocs in general, but you pay a very "reasonable amount" for the glass you get in my opinion:

I've the 7x30 "rubber armored" and the 8x30IR he sells. Good eye relief on the 7x30 armored.

Don(USSR) is a good guy to do business with and sells these Russian binocs a couple of times a year as he gets shipments in.

My .02
I looked at binoculars on line recently and had the impression a lot of US military guys personally buy the Steiner "military/marine" range. these are at good price i.e US160 for 8X30's. The acutal US military I think buys the next level up with special range finding plex which would irritate me.

I almost bought the military/marine those as I did not like dragging me Leicas in the dirt when I hunt, but ended up getting the same in the "nighthunter" range as I likethe wrap around eyecups and do a lot of my shooting on dusk when I want maximum light transmission
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