March 3-24x52


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2020
Northern Minnesota
Looking to pick up a scope for a build. Was thinking of doing another NX8 4-32 FFP but have been looking at the March 3-24. I don't use the NX8 over 24-26x really and have read good things about the March's. Looks like one can be had for 10% off over the next couple days making the difference between the two only $200 (non illuminated March). I've searched other threads on here and I know there are lots of opinions. I'm mostly looking for maybe pros vs cons, if any between the two. Not sure if this is just a Ford vs Chevy thing or not. The build is a 338LM Improved and rifle should be around 8-9 lbs so the weight difference isn't really a big deal.
I have a friend with one and it is every bit as good as my Kahles 3-18 as far as clarity and has a ton of adjustment. I don't think you can go wrong with one
The March has one of the best coatings to cut glare I have ever witnessed.
Glass is good.
Low pro turrets which were accurate and repeatable.
Short and light.
Good eye relief.
Decent reticles.
Huge mag range.
3x is usable and 24x is nice.

Touchy parallax
Tight eye box.
Reticles are a bit heavy.
Get dark above 18-20x.
I know on my NX8 it helps having the illuminated reticle on the low end in early and late times of day with the fine reticle. Wondering if the heavier March would be ok without illumination? I feel the parallax is a little finicky on the NX8 as well. I sent my NX8 in this week to have it looked at as it wasn't tracking correctly and started doubting if I want that same model again. Hoping all goes well and it comes back ok.
I know on my NX8 it helps having the illuminated reticle on the low end in early and late times of day with the fine reticle. Wondering if the heavier March would be ok without illumination? I feel the parallax is a little finicky on the NX8 as well. I sent my NX8 in this week to have it looked at as it wasn't tracking correctly and started doubting if I want that same model again. Hoping all goes well and it comes back ok.
I had the FML-1, and it was perfectly visible on 3x.
The March has one of the best coatings to cut glare I have ever witnessed.
Glass is good.
Low pro turrets which were accurate and repeatable.
Short and light.
Good eye relief.
Decent reticles.
Huge mag range.
3x is usable and 24x is nice.

Touchy parallax
Tight eye box.
Reticles are a bit heavy.
Get dark above 18-20x.
Pros: simplest/best zero stop Designed

Cons: prone to fogging up in cool/rainy weather

Was yours non illuminated? I don't know how much it's needed for hunting as I've never took game with one turned on. Nice just in case though.
Mine was illuminated. In all the years I have been hunting (36 for big game but only had illuminated scopes for the past 8 or so), I have only needed illumination twice. But, without it, we would have missed the opportunities on two great animals right at first legal light in thick blowdowns and timber. So I won't own a scope without illumination now.

This is a rock pile at 741 yards.




Mine was illuminated. In all the years I have been hunting (36 for big game but only had illuminated scopes for the past 8 or so), I have only needed illumination twice. But, without it, we would have missed the opportunities on two great animals right at first legal light in thick blowdowns and timber. So I won't own a scope without illumination now.

This is a rock pile at 741 yards.
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I like that. Looks good. I agree on the needing something and not having it (illumination) sucks. Thanks for the pics.
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