Learn To Maximize Your 6.5 Creedmoor Potential

No one deserves public shaming? They publicly shame themselves.

What you're talking about only applies in the real world with real people.

We aren't in the real world.

It's taken me over 20 years in this discipline to understand this. We're in make believe land, where anonymous personalities rule supreme. How many other people on this forum tie their real name and real life to their screen names? Other than me, what are there, 3% of users? Fewer? Likely very much fewer. It's always the most genuine users that are completely unafraid to have their real name, location, and life tied to their words here. They aren't afraid of their real experience level being known.

You think these are "people" that I'm arguing with here? Sorry, but they are not. They are personalities, skillfully crafted out of thin air by the people that hide behind them. They don't behave like real people standing in front of me in the world behave. These personalities will post things that are specifically designed to get a reaction out of someone. They'll post what appears to be out of anger, as they sit behind their keyboard and laugh. They are completely detached from their "personality" here and they absolutely love breaking all the laws of proper dialogue and manipulating people. They are mentally ill, and this is their entertainment.

This world, isn't like the real world. We're in the world where someone can have 10,000 rounds of purposeful precision rifle experience with a single specific cartridge, 30 bullets for it, 20 powders, 10 types of brass, 50 rifles/barrels, and be told "you're an idiot" by a guy that just started shooting precision rifles a few years ago and spends an extremely small amount of his time pursuing all of this. Every single time I've been led to a profound discovery that dramatically improves something in this discipline, these personalities have attacked. No human being that invests as much as I do into this discipline can endure it... that's why they have nearly all left public spaces of discussion entirely.

I will too, in time... as this is all getting very tiresome. I can share a technical work here that took hundreds of hours, tens of thousands of dollars, and much sacrifice... only to be belittled by a hoard of inexperienced personalities. Those of you that condemn my attempt at humorous mockery will see those relentless attacks over and over again, yet remain silent. Yet when I push back against that nonsense and try to bring reason to an issue which is plaguing the transfer of reliable load data, you speak out against me?

These inexperienced anonymous personalities are systematically running every single expert out of every single public space. Even this post will see me attacked. How dare I call attention to the fact that there are unbelievably inexperienced personalities both intentionally and unintentionally misleading people here every single day!

It is not Christ-like to see evil and say nothing against it.

Ephesians 5:11
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

James 4:17
So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

2 Timothy 4:2-4
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

1 Timothy 5:20
As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.

Ezekiel 3:18
If I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die,' and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.

2 Timothy 4:2
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.

Romans 16:18
For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.

Until you walk a day in my shoes, and listen to the hurt angry voices on the other end of my phone as they tell their stories of blown extractors, etched bolt faces, scarred firing pin holes, injuries to their faces and hands... you don't get to decide whether I'm going to fight back against the inexperienced nonsense I read on here every single day. Every single one of them TO THE MAN complaining of the load advice they received on the internet. Many from this very forum.

Kyle is just getting warmed up. We haven't even begun to get into the most idiotic comments these personalities make here and elsewhere publicly. I didn't expect your support, or anyone else's. Everything I learn, each discovery I make, is a gift. My talents in this discipline, are not mine. Were it not for my obligation to God to use my gifts for the betterment of all, you would never see me here again. Yet I can fulfill that obligation elsewhere.

Maybe no one cares whether I'm here or not and maybe no one cares whether the public information in this discipline is worth anything, because most of the time that's how it feels. Point in fact, I'm done. Maybe I'll check back in 2024. After typing all this out... it has made me realize all I'm doing is talking to a wall. I can use my gifts in places they are welcome. Those that want my content, will know where to find it. Don't like the content? Unsubscribe. Don't patronize me by trying to tell me I shouldn't go, and don't PM me trying to encourage me to continue. If you cared, you'd have spoken up in public long ago. Many here will have something extra to celebrate. Consider it a Christmas present to my enemies. After all, we're to bless our enemies. :)

Merry Christmas! ✝️

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Remember to be a Christian all of the time! It's not a part time gig!
Rijoh, I am now curious about your data above. It seems that software like this is a tool, but not an absolute. I appreciate the insight, otherwise I would have never known.

I didn't realize that by tweaking the OAL and case capacity would drastically affect pressure within the software.

I purchased QuickLoad and I am still learning about it. I generally stick with published data or load data from a trusted source.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a Blessed and Prosperous New Year!

You can try the software, it is free. https://www.grtools.de/ Create a user id & pw and then download the zip file.

It is a helpful tool. I will use it to get a starting point for a 7 SAUM and Cutting Edge Lazer 160gr as there is no published load data and I need a baseline. CE says to start with a similar weight bullet so I will start with something like the Accubond 160 grain and will change the values to reflect the Lazer. (The image below hasn't been updated yet.) I am NOT an expert but I'm not pushing limits either.

If they have the component in the list you can select it and it will bring in default values or you can create your own if you have the specs. You can then make any adjustments to predict the load. Here's a view of the adjustments you can make on the left. The pressure curve on the right is automagically updated to reflect any changes.

No one deserves public shaming? They publicly shame themselves.

What you're talking about only applies in the real world with real people.

We aren't in the real world.

It's taken me over 20 years in this discipline to understand this. We're in make believe land, where anonymous personalities rule supreme. How many other people on this forum tie their real name and real life to their screen names? Other than me, what are there, 3% of users? Fewer? Likely very much fewer. It's always the most genuine users that are completely unafraid to have their real name, location, and life tied to their words here. They aren't afraid of their real experience level being known.

You think these are "people" that I'm arguing with here? Sorry, but they are not. They are personalities, skillfully crafted out of thin air by the people that hide behind them. They don't behave like real people standing in front of me in the world behave. These personalities will post things that are specifically designed to get a reaction out of someone. They'll post what appears to be out of anger, as they sit behind their keyboard and laugh. They are completely detached from their "personality" here and they absolutely love breaking all the laws of proper dialogue and manipulating people. They are mentally ill, and this is their entertainment.

This world, isn't like the real world. We're in the world where someone can have 10,000 rounds of purposeful precision rifle experience with a single specific cartridge, 30 bullets for it, 20 powders, 10 types of brass, 50 rifles/barrels, and be told "you're an idiot" by a guy that just started shooting precision rifles a few years ago and spends an extremely small amount of his time pursuing all of this. Every single time I've been led to a profound discovery that dramatically improves something in this discipline, these personalities have attacked. No human being that invests as much as I do into this discipline can endure it... that's why they have nearly all left public spaces of discussion entirely.

I will too, in time... as this is all getting very tiresome. I can share a technical work here that took hundreds of hours, tens of thousands of dollars, and much sacrifice... only to be belittled by a hoard of inexperienced personalities. Those of you that condemn my attempt at humorous mockery will see those relentless attacks over and over again, yet remain silent. Yet when I push back against that nonsense and try to bring reason to an issue which is plaguing the transfer of reliable load data, you speak out against me?

These inexperienced anonymous personalities are systematically running every single expert out of every single public space. Even this post will see me attacked. How dare I call attention to the fact that there are unbelievably inexperienced personalities both intentionally and unintentionally misleading people here every single day!

It is not Christ-like to see evil and say nothing against it.

Ephesians 5:11
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

James 4:17
So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

2 Timothy 4:2-4
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

1 Timothy 5:20
As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.

Ezekiel 3:18
If I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die,' and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.

2 Timothy 4:2
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.

Romans 16:18
For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.

Until you walk a day in my shoes, and listen to the hurt angry voices on the other end of my phone as they tell their stories of blown extractors, etched bolt faces, scarred firing pin holes, injuries to their faces and hands... you don't get to decide whether I'm going to fight back against the inexperienced nonsense I read on here every single day. Every single one of them TO THE MAN complaining of the load advice they received on the internet. Many from this very forum.

Kyle is just getting warmed up. We haven't even begun to get into the most idiotic comments these personalities make here and elsewhere publicly. I didn't expect your support, or anyone else's. Everything I learn, each discovery I make, is a gift. My talents in this discipline, are not mine. Were it not for my obligation to God to use my gifts for the betterment of all, you would never see me here again. Yet I can fulfill that obligation elsewhere.

Maybe no one cares whether I'm here or not and maybe no one cares whether the public information in this discipline is worth anything, because most of the time that's how it feels. Point in fact, I'm done. Maybe I'll check back in 2024. After typing all this out... it has made me realize all I'm doing is talking to a wall. I can use my gifts in places they are welcome. Those that want my content, will know where to find it. Don't like the content? Unsubscribe. Don't patronize me by trying to tell me I shouldn't go, and don't PM me trying to encourage me to continue. If you cared, you'd have spoken up in public long ago. Many here will have something extra to celebrate. Consider it a Christmas present to my enemies. After all, we're to bless our enemies. :)

Merry Christmas! ✝️

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There's ways to present information or to correct misinformation without belittling or insulting others. I greatly appreciate your knowledge base, and I highly value your input.

I really miss J E Custom.
No one deserves public shaming? They publicly shame themselves.

What you're talking about only applies in the real world with real people.

We aren't in the real world.

It's taken me over 20 years in this discipline to understand this. We're in make believe land, where anonymous personalities rule supreme. How many other people on this forum tie their real name and real life to their screen names? Other than me, what are there, 3% of users? Fewer? Likely very much fewer. It's always the most genuine users that are completely unafraid to have their real name, location, and life tied to their words here. They aren't afraid of their real experience level being known.

You think these are "people" that I'm arguing with here? Sorry, but they are not. They are personalities, skillfully crafted out of thin air by the people that hide behind them. They don't behave like real people standing in front of me in the world behave. These personalities will post things that are specifically designed to get a reaction out of someone. They'll post what appears to be out of anger, as they sit behind their keyboard and laugh. They are completely detached from their "personality" here and they absolutely love breaking all the laws of proper dialogue and manipulating people. They are mentally ill, and this is their entertainment.

This world, isn't like the real world. We're in the world where someone can have 10,000 rounds of purposeful precision rifle experience with a single specific cartridge, 30 bullets for it, 20 powders, 10 types of brass, 50 rifles/barrels, and be told "you're an idiot" by a guy that just started shooting precision rifles a few years ago and spends an extremely small amount of his time pursuing all of this. Every single time I've been led to a profound discovery that dramatically improves something in this discipline, these personalities have attacked. No human being that invests as much as I do into this discipline can endure it... that's why they have nearly all left public spaces of discussion entirely.

I will too, in time... as this is all getting very tiresome. I can share a technical work here that took hundreds of hours, tens of thousands of dollars, and much sacrifice... only to be belittled by a hoard of inexperienced personalities. Those of you that condemn my attempt at humorous mockery will see those relentless attacks over and over again, yet remain silent. Yet when I push back against that nonsense and try to bring reason to an issue which is plaguing the transfer of reliable load data, you speak out against me?

These inexperienced anonymous personalities are systematically running every single expert out of every single public space. Even this post will see me attacked. How dare I call attention to the fact that there are unbelievably inexperienced personalities both intentionally and unintentionally misleading people here every single day!

It is not Christ-like to see evil and say nothing against it.

Ephesians 5:11
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

James 4:17
So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

2 Timothy 4:2-4
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

1 Timothy 5:20
As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.

Ezekiel 3:18
If I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die,' and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.

2 Timothy 4:2
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.

Romans 16:18
For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.

Until you walk a day in my shoes, and listen to the hurt angry voices on the other end of my phone as they tell their stories of blown extractors, etched bolt faces, scarred firing pin holes, injuries to their faces and hands... you don't get to decide whether I'm going to fight back against the inexperienced nonsense I read on here every single day. Every single one of them TO THE MAN complaining of the load advice they received on the internet. Many from this very forum.

Kyle is just getting warmed up. We haven't even begun to get into the most idiotic comments these personalities make here and elsewhere publicly. I didn't expect your support, or anyone else's. Everything I learn, each discovery I make, is a gift. My talents in this discipline, are not mine. Were it not for my obligation to God to use my gifts for the betterment of all, you would never see me here again. Yet I can fulfill that obligation elsewhere.

Maybe no one cares whether I'm here or not and maybe no one cares whether the public information in this discipline is worth anything, because most of the time that's how it feels. Point in fact, I'm done. Maybe I'll check back in 2024. After typing all this out... it has made me realize all I'm doing is talking to a wall. I can use my gifts in places they are welcome. Those that want my content, will know where to find it. Don't like the content? Unsubscribe. Don't patronize me by trying to tell me I shouldn't go, and don't PM me trying to encourage me to continue. If you cared, you'd have spoken up in public long ago. Many here will have something extra to celebrate. Consider it a Christmas present to my enemies. After all, we're to bless our enemies. :)

Merry Christmas! ✝️

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I dont see anyone in this post belittling you. Just asking you not to publicly shame folks. Sometimes it's not the message but how you present it.But I get that in the short attention span of social media thats what you get. But hey you do you. Merry Christmas.
No one deserves public shaming? They publicly shame themselves.

What you're talking about only applies in the real world with real people.

We aren't in the real world.

It's taken me over 20 years in this discipline to understand this. We're in make believe land, where anonymous personalities rule supreme. How many other people on this forum tie their real name and real life to their screen names? Other than me, what are there, 3% of users? Fewer? Likely very much fewer. It's always the most genuine users that are completely unafraid to have their real name, location, and life tied to their words here. They aren't afraid of their real experience level being known.

You think these are "people" that I'm arguing with here? Sorry, but they are not. They are personalities, skillfully crafted out of thin air by the people that hide behind them. They don't behave like real people standing in front of me in the world behave. These personalities will post things that are specifically designed to get a reaction out of someone. They'll post what appears to be out of anger, as they sit behind their keyboard and laugh. They are completely detached from their "personality" here and they absolutely love breaking all the laws of proper dialogue and manipulating people. They are mentally ill, and this is their entertainment.

This world, isn't like the real world. We're in the world where someone can have 10,000 rounds of purposeful precision rifle experience with a single specific cartridge, 30 bullets for it, 20 powders, 10 types of brass, 50 rifles/barrels, and be told "you're an idiot" by a guy that just started shooting precision rifles a few years ago and spends an extremely small amount of his time pursuing all of this. Every single time I've been led to a profound discovery that dramatically improves something in this discipline, these personalities have attacked. No human being that invests as much as I do into this discipline can endure it... that's why they have nearly all left public spaces of discussion entirely.

I will too, in time... as this is all getting very tiresome. I can share a technical work here that took hundreds of hours, tens of thousands of dollars, and much sacrifice... only to be belittled by a hoard of inexperienced personalities. Those of you that condemn my attempt at humorous mockery will see those relentless attacks over and over again, yet remain silent. Yet when I push back against that nonsense and try to bring reason to an issue which is plaguing the transfer of reliable load data, you speak out against me?

These inexperienced anonymous personalities are systematically running every single expert out of every single public space. Even this post will see me attacked. How dare I call attention to the fact that there are unbelievably inexperienced personalities both intentionally and unintentionally misleading people here every single day!

It is not Christ-like to see evil and say nothing against it.

Ephesians 5:11
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

James 4:17
So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

2 Timothy 4:2-4
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

1 Timothy 5:20
As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.

Ezekiel 3:18
If I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die,' and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.

2 Timothy 4:2
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.

Romans 16:18
For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.

Until you walk a day in my shoes, and listen to the hurt angry voices on the other end of my phone as they tell their stories of blown extractors, etched bolt faces, scarred firing pin holes, injuries to their faces and hands... you don't get to decide whether I'm going to fight back against the inexperienced nonsense I read on here every single day. Every single one of them TO THE MAN complaining of the load advice they received on the internet. Many from this very forum.

Kyle is just getting warmed up. We haven't even begun to get into the most idiotic comments these personalities make here and elsewhere publicly. I didn't expect your support, or anyone else's. Everything I learn, each discovery I make, is a gift. My talents in this discipline, are not mine. Were it not for my obligation to God to use my gifts for the betterment of all, you would never see me here again. Yet I can fulfill that obligation elsewhere.

Maybe no one cares whether I'm here or not and maybe no one cares whether the public information in this discipline is worth anything, because most of the time that's how it feels. Point in fact, I'm done. Maybe I'll check back in 2024. After typing all this out... it has made me realize all I'm doing is talking to a wall. I can use my gifts in places they are welcome. Those that want my content, will know where to find it. Don't like the content? Unsubscribe. Don't patronize me by trying to tell me I shouldn't go, and don't PM me trying to encourage me to continue. If you cared, you'd have spoken up in public long ago. Many here will have something extra to celebrate. Consider it a Christmas present to my enemies. After all, we're to bless our enemies. :)

Merry Christmas! ✝️

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Well. . .

Merry Christmas anyway.
I appreciate you trying to help people and I think you mean well Orkan. Having said that, you don't have to be so abrasive about it on every forum when people don't praise you or you don't get the reaction you want. You know how many people I try to help and others try to help and the person asking for help does the opposite or just goes to the next person asking the same questions? You're not the only one. I get that it's frustrating, but if you can't handle the internet banter then it's probably best if you back away from it for awhile. You're not the only guy with a lot of experience. I understand you have a lot of experience and shoot more rounds than 90% of the people on here. That still doesn't give you the right to belittle people or be an abrasive personality. It's Christmas man. I just spent 2 hours on the phone with a friend who's a beginner reloader working on a budget. A lot of us are taking away our own time to help others because we're passionate and want to help.
Thank God!!! You are too intellectually immature to deal with the fact that people wont just automatically buy into your "findings" because YOU said it and declared war on anyone who questions it.

The brightside...Atleast you have the "Chads/Kyles/Karens on YT that think you are the almighty himself with your 10k rounds of experience! Just wait until you tell them they are inferior to you becuase they don't own a Tangent Theta, or they are trailer park educated for not using a CPS, or must be backwoods imbred for turning RL26 into smoke and not hodgdon or shouldn't have shot that 3.5 year old buck becuase thier kids were hungry....

After all, that's basically all you have said on these "dead" forums for the last few years right? No wonder why the smith's you used to deal with don't want the headache of dealing with you anymore. Maybe YOU are the problem..
An exchange of ideas is how we learn, especially the novices.
Exchange is the key word. That takes two parties, one of which does not do any receiving. Kinda like a closed parachute.
Your ignore concept is for people that don't have the capacity to communicate without being condescending, or belittling. There is a pattern, many sites are tired of his tantrums. I treat people with mental conditions like these and would be happy to offer any services needed.

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