LAR 8 range PIC


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2011
JUst got back from the Range , with My LAR 8 , this target was my 5 shot group at 200 yards with federal 168 SMK . all i can say is very happy , I went to shoot steel at 600 yards only had 6 bullets left so ballistic software told me 16.2 MOA so i dailed it and hit it 4 out of 6 times , I was a great day for me , can not wait till i start reloading !!!!!:D


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yes , it is it has the 26" barrel , and is a complete stock gun ! I would like to change the trigger out its a two stage about 4 1/2 pounds . :rolleyes:
Glad to here it. I am concidering a 308 AR package. This might be the ticket, but I would want a 20" barrel or shorter.
it is front heavy with the longer barrel tha tis for sure . i have put about 200 round thru it with no problems . :D Gun seams well made to me and looks like its going to be a shooter !
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