

New Member
May 22, 2024
Hello everyone, I'm thrilled to join this community of brilliant minds and contribute to the rich discussions that take place here. As a curious and lifelong learner, I'm eager to tap into the collective knowledge and expertise of this forum, where some of the most innovative and creative thinkers gather to share ideas and explore new possibilities. I'm impressed by the depth and breadth of topics covered here, from cutting-edge technologies to philosophical debates, and I'm excited to learn from the diverse perspectives and experiences of the members. I'm looking forward to engaging with each of you, asking questions, sharing my own insights, and growing together in our pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Thank you for welcoming me into this vibrant community, and I can't wait to see what we can discover and achieve together!
Welcome from North Central Wyoming!

Never having actually spoken with anyone from Boston……I was a bit surprised that your post was free of that Boston accent Ii've heard on tv! 🤪

I hope that you can enjoy you time here and share some of your experiences with us! 👍 memtb
Hello everyone, I'm thrilled to join this community of brilliant minds and contribute to the rich discussions that take place here. As a curious and lifelong learner, I'm eager to tap into the collective knowledge and expertise of this forum, where some of the most innovative and creative thinkers gather to share ideas and explore new possibilities. I'm impressed by the depth and breadth of topics covered here, from cutting-edge technologies to philosophical debates, and I'm excited to learn from the diverse perspectives and experiences of the members. I'm looking forward to engaging with each of you, asking questions, sharing my own insights, and growing together in our pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Thank you for welcoming me into this vibrant community, and I can't wait to see what we can discover and achieve together!
blue990 from BOSTON. Now that is a New England Great City with a LOT of History!
Welcome to the LRH Forum from GA.
This is the BEST Forum on LR Hunting, Reloading and GS for information and discussion.
The most important part of this Forum are the people!!! A lot of GREAT members and a wealth of information. Can't meet a better bunch of Gals and Guys!!!!
We look forward to your participation and sharing your knowledge with the group.

If we can help in any way let us Gals and Guys know.
Len & Jill

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