Guess we can add Rem to that boycot list

Interesting. I don't buy Remmy anything anyway.

Keep in mind that Henry Repeating Arms and Kimber are in New York, actually in Boroughs of NYC itself. I believe Henry is in Brooklyn and Kimber is in Yonkers.

Colt is certainly 'out east'. Always has been.

Money talks and 'citizens rights' walk.....
I have always been a Remington guy, but I'm done with them now. I guess I will need to learn my way around a Savage! What a crock of crap!
I have always been a Remington guy, but I'm done with them now. I guess I will need to learn my way around a Savage! What a crock of crap!

And lucky for you, they are easy to learn! Pic is from Saturday at the range from my Savage 300 WSM with a factory barrel. Was checking 100 yard zero for spring bear. Took it out of the case, shot this 3 shot group and put it back in the case. I was aiming at the bottom point on the diamond.

I ONLY buy USA made guns and I will NOT buy a gun made in NY.

The big problem in America is that it is ruled by the dollar and that always wins. Remington knows that shooters will continue to buy their products as long as they are revered and priced competitively. Seems most Americans have no guts when it comes to the almighty dollar in their pocket. Remington knows this and this is why they have no fear going after contracts and making their products in a state that does not support the 2nd Amendment.

It's kind of like the made in China thing, we all complain about it and buy the stuff anyway. Another example is out of state hunting in Colorado. At first out of state hunters said that they would not hunt in Colorado after the bands, but the Colorado Dept. of Tourism just laughed at that. They said that out of state hunters will continue to come to Colorado no matter what because the licensing system and fees are so easy in Colorado. And sure enough, I read all kinds of threads on this site about hunters (gun owners) planning their first hunting trip to Colorado!

We can be our own worst enemy at times. But I can guarantee you one thing... you will never ever, in you life time, find me hunting with a f###ing Remington in f###ing Colorado. :D


  • Savage 300 wsm.369-4-13-13.jpg
    Savage 300 wsm.369-4-13-13.jpg
    83.1 KB · Views: 125
And lucky for you, they are easy to learn! Pic is from Saturday at the range from my Savage 300 WSM with a factory barrel. Was checking 100 yard zero for spring bear. Took it out of the case, shot this 3 shot group and put it back in the case. I was aiming at the bottom point on the diamond.

I ONLY buy USA made guns and I will NOT buy a gun made in NY.

The big problem in America is that it is ruled by the dollar and that always wins. Remington knows that shooters will continue to buy their products as long as they are revered and priced competitively. Seems most Americans have no guts when it comes to the almighty dollar in their pocket. Remington knows this and this is why they have no fear going after contracts and making their products in a state that does not support the 2nd Amendment.

It's kind of like the made in China thing, we all complain about it and buy the stuff anyway. Another example is out of state hunting in Colorado. At first out of state hunters said that they would not hunt in Colorado after the bands, but the Colorado Dept. of Tourism just laughed at that. They said that out of state hunters will continue to come to Colorado no matter what because the licensing system and fees are so easy in Colorado. And sure enough, I read all kinds of threads on this site about hunters (gun owners) planning their first hunting trip to Colorado!

We can be our own worst enemy at times. But I can guarantee you one thing... you will never ever, in you life time, find me hunting with a f###ing Remington in f###ing Colorado. :D

Thanks for the info. I have already written the Colorado A--holes a few times. Now it is time to write Remington and tell them that they have lost a long time customer. I just don't know much about the savages, but I'm a quick study. You won't find me hunting in Commierado with a Remington either! :cool:
I think that this thinking might be flawed. I live in the Northeast because of my employment circumstances and absolutely despise the politics of these liberal, ******* politicians that don't know which end of a gun the bullet comes out of. Savage resides in Massachusetts which has gun laws that aren't a whole lot different from NY and the politicians are trying to expand the laws to be similar or worse then NY. Are we going to boycott Savage if they choose to stay or sell to the government? It's one thing for a company the size of Magpul to pull up and move to another state, but it will likely bankrupt a company the size of Remington or Savage, or Colt to pull up roots and move everything to another state. What about the employee's skill's and retraining, or relocation?. Building a new plant, moving equipment etc.ect. What if Remington decided to move to Colorado 20 years ago because of NY politics? Who would of thought the rats would have infected their political system. If you think your state is immune, think twice. Boycotting Remington does not seem like the way to fight this disease. They, and other companies based in enemy territory may be an important ally and prove useful. If the government wants to strengthen them with 80M, that might not be bad. What if they went to AI for the sniper rifles because no American based company would sell them? Liberals would love it if we boycott Remington. It gives them control. Divide and conquer! Instead of wasting our energy on this we need to place it where it matters or we will continue to loose this war on our rights. Only 5% of 60+ million gun owners belong to the NRA or other lobby group. If 25% belonged, we would even be talking about this! iMHO.
Uhh, you didn't really expect them to move did you? Remington/Freedom Group has been on the wrong side of things for so long, I'd be shocked if they did anything significant, that would make me think they're on the right track.

For years, Remington has been giving people reasons to boycott them. They have actually trained people to believe all rifle purchasers can expect to take their gun from the store, straight to a gunsmith to fix it. I doubt a little thing like retaining a zip code will move the needle for most gun buyers.
I think that this thinking might be flawed. I live in the Northeast because of my employment circumstances and absolutely despise the politics of these liberal, ******* politicians that don't know which end of a gun the bullet comes out of. Savage resides in Massachusetts which has gun laws that aren't a whole lot different from NY and the politicians are trying to expand the laws to be similar or worse then NY. Are we going to boycott Savage if they choose to stay or sell to the government? It's one thing for a company the size of Magpul to pull up and move to another state, but it will likely bankrupt a company the size of Remington or Savage, or Colt to pull up roots and move everything to another state. What about the employee's skill's and retraining, or relocation?. Building a new plant, moving equipment etc.ect. What if Remington decided to move to Colorado 20 years ago because of NY politics? Who would of thought the rats would have infected their political system. If you think your state is immune, think twice. Boycotting Remington does not seem like the way to fight this disease. They, and other companies based in enemy territory may be an important ally and prove useful. If the government wants to strengthen them with 80M, that might not be bad. What if they went to AI for the sniper rifles because no American based company would sell them? Liberals would love it if we boycott Remington. It gives them control. Divide and conquer! Instead of wasting our energy on this we need to place it where it matters or we will continue to loose this war on our rights. Only 5% of 60+ million gun owners belong to the NRA or other lobby group. If 25% belonged, we would even be talking about this! iMHO.

I tend to agree with this line of thinking myself. My gut tells me that the company size, location and bottom line of remingtons balance sheet may not allow them the luxury of packing up and leaving town like some of these other smaller ar-15/tactical based companies buoyed with 2 yrs worth of backorders.. My guess is that they desperatetly need the $ and financial stability. At the end of the day they are a company that seeks a profit. Having said that they definitely need to clean house in management and completely re design their business model.
I have a pile of Remington products, starting with a nylon 66 from back in the 70's. At this point, I'm done. The United Mine Workers have (Remington workers) have consistently supported the people who are stripping me of my rights. That, coupled with the NY gun laws, and I'm done.

My next rifle will be a custom, probably based on a Stiller action of some sort.
i think that this thinking might be flawed. I live in the northeast because of my employment circumstances and absolutely despise the politics of these liberal, ******* politicians that don't know which end of a gun the bullet comes out of. Savage resides in massachusetts which has gun laws that aren't a whole lot different from ny and the politicians are trying to expand the laws to be similar or worse then ny. Are we going to boycott savage if they choose to stay or sell to the government? It's one thing for a company the size of magpul to pull up and move to another state, but it will likely bankrupt a company the size of remington or savage, or colt to pull up roots and move everything to another state. What about the employee's skill's and retraining, or relocation?. Building a new plant, moving equipment etc.ect. What if remington decided to move to colorado 20 years ago because of ny politics? Who would of thought the rats would have infected their political system. If you think your state is immune, think twice. Boycotting remington does not seem like the way to fight this disease. They, and other companies based in enemy territory may be an important ally and prove useful. If the government wants to strengthen them with 80m, that might not be bad. What if they went to ai for the sniper rifles because no american based company would sell them? Liberals would love it if we boycott remington. It gives them control. Divide and conquer! Instead of wasting our energy on this we need to place it where it matters or we will continue to loose this war on our rights. Only 5% of 60+ million gun owners belong to the nra or other lobby group. If 25% belonged, we would even be talking about this! Imho.

you are 100% correct.
I tend to agree with this line of thinking myself. My gut tells me that the company size, location and bottom line of remingtons balance sheet may not allow them the luxury of packing up and leaving town like some of these other smaller ar-15/tactical based companies buoyed with 2 yrs worth of backorders.. My guess is that they desperatetly need the $ and financial stability. At the end of the day they are a company that seeks a profit. Having said that they definitely need to clean house in management and completely re design their business model.

I agree that they need to get their act together from a management standpoint. The only Remington products I have ever bought were four Milspec 700's, one as recent as a couple of months ago, my first, several years ago. My two Bushmasters and two DPMS are excellent. All these rifles were well priced and could compete with any riflle in in their class in terms of quality and performance. They need to build this quality into the broader line of products.
I have a pile of Remington products, starting with a nylon 66 from back in the 70's. At this point, I'm done. The United Mine Workers have (Remington workers) have consistently supported the people who are stripping me of my rights. That, coupled with the NY gun laws, and I'm done.

My next rifle will be a custom, probably based on a Stiller action of some sort.

I love my P1000 :D
Thread Hijack in progress!

I was thinking of the TACTICAL 30 A/W. Once I get done obsessing about what cartridge to pick, I'll start my build.

.338 Norma is high on my list at this point.
I think that this thinking might be flawed. I live in the Northeast because of my employment circumstances and absolutely despise the politics of these liberal, ******* politicians that don't know which end of a gun the bullet comes out of. Savage resides in Massachusetts which has gun laws that aren't a whole lot different from NY and the politicians are trying to expand the laws to be similar or worse then NY. Are we going to boycott Savage if they choose to stay or sell to the government? It's one thing for a company the size of Magpul to pull up and move to another state, but it will likely bankrupt a company the size of Remington or Savage, or Colt to pull up roots and move everything to another state. What about the employee's skill's and retraining, or relocation?. Building a new plant, moving equipment etc.ect. What if Remington decided to move to Colorado 20 years ago because of NY politics? Who would of thought the rats would have infected their political system. If you think your state is immune, think twice. Boycotting Remington does not seem like the way to fight this disease. They, and other companies based in enemy territory may be an important ally and prove useful. If the government wants to strengthen them with 80M, that might not be bad. What if they went to AI for the sniper rifles because no American based company would sell them? Liberals would love it if we boycott Remington. It gives them control. Divide and conquer! Instead of wasting our energy on this we need to place it where it matters or we will continue to loose this war on our rights. Only 5% of 60+ million gun owners belong to the NRA or other lobby group. If 25% belonged, we would even be talking about this! iMHO.

It's not so much where they're located, it's that they signed an $80 M contract with the anti-gun government. The big gun corps have a history of putting $$$ before values. Both Remington and Ruger have supported anti-gun legislation.

Boycotting traitors does work. It drove Dan Cooper out of Cooper Firearms and sent a clear message to other gun makers.

I say good riddance to Remington and any other gun manufacturer who supports anti-gun causes or politicians.

I also think Remington could move one piece at a time over several years. NY taxes have got to be cutting in on their profits in a big way.

Let'm go bankrupt and have someone buy them out and start over. In the mean time, buy from smaller guys. You'll get better quality anyway.
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