Guess the projectile??


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2008
SW Montana
Since there seems to be a lot of my bullet vs your bullet going on lately I though it would be fun to see what you think based on a picture of the animal during cutting. We kill game with a wide variety of stuff so it's interesting to see what happens :D
First batter up is a tasty morsel of the whitetail variety. I'll get the next pic a little bigger but the entire side of it is jello and blood shot!!
Back in the day I've duplicated that pic many times until I learned to back off at least 250 yards.:D

270 Win/130 Sierra spbt/58.5 gr RL-22/3190 FPS.

I suppose other bullets do the same thing but I have the copyright on this one.:D
150VLD is my guess;

But I secretly hope it was something smaller like a .243 or .257 pill, less than 120 grains. I always like to see the surprise on someone's face when they are reminded that smaller bores are still very effective.
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