Chronograph upgrade question


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2016
I have slightly more than enough club points to buy a basic Manetospeed chronograph, but I already own a Caldwell Premium. I have been having a very difficult time finding anything at Cabela's I need to use my points to buy besides bullets and powder which, unlike a chronograph I will always have to buy bullets and powder. The basic Magnetospeed is $179.99 at Cabela's and I have $185 in points. Please don't suggest saving up my money or my points for the Lab/R as I can not justify that cost and cabela's doesn't sell it.

My question is how do you know when it's time to upgrade to a better chronograph like the Magnetospeed when you already own a Caldwell optical chronograph? Especially since I am a entry level just beginning medium range shooter trying to become proficient to 600 and hopefully 800.
I just picked up a magnetospeed yesterday. I upgraded because my optical chronograph was finicky and half my trips to the range were wasted with either poor or no data. My time and barrel life are worth buying the sporter version.
The time to upgrade to either a MS or a LR is when you don't already have one. It is worth it. You will thank me.
I never used an optical, just went straight to the basic magnetospeed. I really like it. I was worried a bit since it says it cant be used with a suppressor but I have had no issues with the sensitivity turned all the way up. Which is the only way I have tried it, not sure if it works on the lower setting. The basic one is usable, I did buy the cable to connect to my phone and it doesn't work, tried with 3 different phones and a tablet. But not too troublesome to write everything down as I'm shooting. Gives a little time between shots anyway so doesn't really hurt. I have a POI shift with it on, but dont really notice much effect on group size. Pretty sure it's a purchase you wont regret.
I got tired of the optical chrono giving suspect velocities. It seems the optical chrono only worked properly under overcast skies. The Magnetospeed works very well.
I also updated to the magnetospeed. Will admit, have not used it yet. So can't say how it works. Reason for the update was pretty much like ShtrRdy. Readings from optical Chrono giving reading that were suspect. And this seemed to happen more often on sunny days. On cloudy days it seemed to work better. Got frustrated with part of my shooting trips not giving me any valuable info. I have been reloading for years, but will admit until I joined this forum I didn't realize how little I knew about reloading. I have been upgrading my equipment and trying to learn how to better use it plus trying to improve my technic. So bottom line, maybe it isn't all the Chrono.
The Magneto Sporter, has a few functions that aren't well known and for all intent makes it a V3; 1. phone/tablet app which interfaces with a XFR dongle to the display, where you can control the functions way easier than with the unit's button presses. 2) saving shots strings on phone/tablet memory card. 3) Adjusting amplitude modes. 4) increase/decrease sensitivity. Only real issue is when batt voltage gets below 7 volts, carry a extra fresh in your kit.
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