CCI 250 not igniting

Idaho Hunter1

Well-Known Member
May 5, 2019
Boise, ID
Hello, so I am having a lan issue with primers not igniting on the first strike.

Here is the scenario, CCI 250 primers in ADG Brass and loaded via a Forster press are not igniting in the first strike but when I cycle the bolt handle to re-arm the firing pin they always go boom the second time. The velocity and groups are all consistent even on the misfires. It is happening in about 30% of the rounds and in 3 different calibers/rifles. I have loaded these rounds and then shot them within 24-72 hours afterwards. Humidity and other environmental concerns I think are mitigated. At the same time I load and shoot these problem rounds, I'm loading and shooting FGMM215/210 and Lapua brass with no issues so it would seem something is going on in one or more of the primer/brass/seating method. Primers are from the same lot #.

Has anyone else had this issue? Thanks
I have CCI 250's from the mid 1980's that I am firing now & work fine. Be sure primer pockets are clean & that primers are fully seated. Some time owners over oil their rifles & oil gets into the firing pin channel. There it collects burnt powder & dust. This build up can cushion the blow of the firing pin. A through cleaning may help.
Firing pins on all 3 rifles are clean and functioning normally with factory ammo. Problem is centered on ADG brass/ CCI 250/ seating method. All other variables are not consistent with the problems.

The only logical source would seem to be in one or more of those three areas.

Primer pockets were clean and some of the brass was even new.

Any other ideas?
Sounds strange. Have been dependable for me for over 50 yrs. Would have to see your rig in person. Wish I had more answers. Some thing I have not come up against.
Sounds like they aren't seated all the way. I would use a hand primer, where you can feel the primer seat.

Would this be something that could happen only with 1 brand of brass and primer matchup?

I'm loading CCI large rifle with Lapua brass on the same Forster and haven't had a misfire yet. And FGMM and ADG brass with no issues in these same rifles.

Is there a way to tell if they are seated fully? They appear just barely recessed below the base of the brass.
Did you notice if the primers are seated overly deep. Are primer pockets to deep? Just a thought.
Was excessive forced used to seat primers , crushing & flattening the primer.
Would this be something that could happen only with 1 brand of brass and primer matchup?

I'm loading CCI large rifle with Lapua brass on the same Forster and haven't had a misfire yet. And FGMM and ADG brass with no issues in these same rifles.

Is there a way to tell if they are seated fully? They appear just barely recessed below the base of the brass.

It could be that this primer/brass combo is just slightly tighter than others. I would strongly recommend a hand primer for all your priming as it allows you much better feel than priming on the press.
I've ran a bunch of cci 250s with no problems. This doesn't necessarily mean that you don't have some bad 250s. This could be an excessive headspace issue with adg brass. Do you have a headspace comparetor gauge to check the difference of your adg brass compared to your other brass?
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