Broughton 338 barrel finally here


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2004
Worland, Wyoming
I ordered my new broughton 338 tube at the end of Jan. and it finally showed up the other day. Looks like I won't waste my time with the smith that put on the last barrel. Seems that he only used 1/2 inch threads for my muzzle break and bored the hole too big, hence the break isn't as effective as it should be. New smith says barrel threads for break need to be at least 9/16 inch. I have a break off of my old 338 win mag, but it is a fat design, so it looks like I am just spending money twice, again. Oh well, the barrel looks highly polished on the bore when looking through the bore scope. He got me a 1 in 9.3 twist. I am excited to have my baby back up and flying lead. Oh yeah, it will still be a 338 rum
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