

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2012
central Pa.
DAMMIT!!!!!! Did the world stop making rifle brass. All I want is 270 and 338 win mag its not like I'm looking for some exotic caliber. I think I've checked every page on the internet. Any help out there?
I have got some once fired .270 brass that I would trade for once fired .308 brass.
I've got around 40 mixed, mostly Remington, 1-fired .30-06 brass (deprimed, sonic cleaned, polished, and tumbled) I'd trade for Federal, Nosler, or Norma 1-fired 7mmSTW brass....or Weatherby/Norma .257 Wby Mag brass.

I don't even own a .30-06. I picked them up at the range.
Greedy? Really? Think folks are out there trying to make it tuff on you? I am sure seeing that word thrown around carelessly lately. What would you say if I said your greedy for wanting whatever your looking for right now when you know the rest of us are looking for it to. I mean, how selfish are you for shopping for brass during a shortage? Ridiculous accusation isn't it?
first off i am not looking for brass. why is there a shortage?? peaple are buying up all they can buy in one day then going again next day. pretty sad when a man has to drive all the way to Seattle from Spokane just to buy 2 boxes of .22 ammo. If greed is the wrong word to use then what is the one that should be used. why is there a shortage I have heard all kinds of reasons so what is the real reason!
It is petty sad when you have to run all over for the most basic of stuff, even worse when you can't find it. Petty sad when you have to worry about specifically targeted perfectly legal and moral activities taxed or regulated into oblivion or a cost prohibitive situation or that, that many people are afraid.

I think fear is what is currently driving the rush on everything. Folks I know are afraid they won't get there stuff for a long time or will not be able to afford it when the dust settles and it is regularly available again. There are greedy folks of course but Everyone I know that went into buy a couple hundred primers and had to spend all day looking for them and then settle for a different brand because it is all they could get, Yes they bought extra or made that trip back to get some extra while they new they could. Out of fear, out of worry, not out of greed.

If I had to drive across the state for 22lr of course I would buy extra if I could when I got there, don't want to have to do that again for a while. Based on everything I have seen and everyone I know, I really do think it is just plain old fear, fear of looming economic hard times or fear they may try to regulate certain things out of availability.
Yes, i'd agree wholeheartedly that *FEAR* is what's driving so many.

The greater question at hand is how long are we going to allow fear of what our government is going to do to us continue?

What can we do about this? What are we willing to do about this? These are the appropriate questions....

I've been looking forward to getting re-started in reloading, but i'm irritated that many of the components are "Out of Stock". With no end in sight of the problem, i'm putting off the expenditure.
Yes, i'd agree wholeheartedly that *FEAR* is what's driving so many.

The greater question at hand is how long are we going to allow fear of what our government is going to do to us continue?

What can we do about this? What are we willing to do about this? .

Brother, I'm afraid the next 10 years is already bought and paid for. I'm not saying nothing can be done about it. Just not for a while.

Santa Clause has already mde good on the Christmas wishes/lists of the "ill informed" and to the richest people in the world, who don't live in the US of A.

Images of fear have been put into the minds of the "42%". City employees are afraid they are going to get furlowed next week! The Pentagon and NSA Hgs are going to have to shut down. Maybe the whole federal government is going to get furlowed. Reportedly all of the $1,000,000.00 a weekend USAF hops from DC to California for Miss P will have to drop to only twice a month.

As long as media drives our lives and is in bed with Washington...we aint got a chance. Problem is the whole of USA saw this coming and still continued to shoot ourselves in the foot by continuously reelecting the same flip floppers we have now.

I don't feel bad for me. I feel bad for my 25 year old deputy trying to make a living and worry about his retirement. I doubt he will ever see a dime of his SS pay ins. But 4 generations of intitlement(ers) living in the same gov housing will still get their stockings filled.

I've probably already broken a half dozen forum rules so I'm gonna hush before I really start talking and can't...........

Brother, I'm afraid the next 10 years is already bought and paid for. I'm not saying nothing can be done about it. Just not for a while.

Santa Clause has already mde good on the Christmas wishes/lists of the "ill informed" and to the richest people in the world, who don't live in the US of A.

Images of fear have been put into the minds of the "42%". City employees are afraid they are going to get furlowed next week! The Pentagon and NSA Hgs are going to have to shut down. Maybe the whole federal government is going to get furlowed. Reportedly all of the $1,000,000.00 a weekend USAF hops from DC to California for Miss P will have to drop to only twice a month.

As long as media drives our lives and is in bed with Washington...we aint got a chance. Problem is the whole of USA saw this coming and still continued to shoot ourselves in the foot by continuously reelecting the same flip floppers we have now.

I don't feel bad for me. I feel bad for my 25 year old deputy trying to make a living and worry about his retirement. I doubt he will ever see a dime of his SS pay ins. But 4 generations of intitlement(ers) living in the same gov housing will still get their stockings filled.

I've probably already broken a half dozen forum rules so I'm gonna hush before I really start talking and can't...........


The truth is scarier than fiction. Yet terrifying as it may be: it remains the times we live in. This is a very old chess game and the board is set. It is to late for a proper avoidance. Too late to block. When the quean begins to move we'll have to kill it.

This is not the place and now is not the time.
"I'm going to hush before I really start talking and can't".................
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