Best small muzzle brake?


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2017
So I'm having a 7mm-08ai built off a Rem 700 SA. I went with nice things. Proof CF barrel, Mesa precision altitude stock, etc. I'm wondering what you all think is the best lightweight muzzle brake? I was thinking the area 419 2 port brake but open to other options. Wanting a self timing brake. Suggestions?
Tagging along, I've got a 280AI coming in that I'm looking to brake. I've been eyeballing the "muzzle brakes and more" goods, and have considered them with a crush washer.
Staying on target is my biggest criteria, as I hunt alone a lot and wanna be able to spot for myself.
So I'm having a 7mm-08ai built off a Rem 700 SA. I went with nice things. Proof CF barrel, Mesa precision altitude stock, etc. I'm wondering what you all think is the best lightweight muzzle brake? I was thinking the area 419 2 port brake but open to other options. Wanting a self timing brake. Suggestions?
Your current choice should serve you well. I doubt you can tell the difference compared to other MBs with your chambering.
I know you are looking small, but I'm really loving my Witt SME, it's Linear Comp/Blast Can on my 6.5 Creed. I got the one that looks like a suppressor. Planning on getting a few more for my other rifles. I tried several different brakes and this one really seemed to change stuff, especially for folks off to the side.-WW
So I'm having a 7mm-08ai built off a Rem 700 SA. I went with nice things. Proof CF barrel, Mesa precision altitude stock, etc. I'm wondering what you all think is the best lightweight muzzle brake? I was thinking the area 419 2 port brake but open to other options. Wanting a self timing brake. Suggestions?
Doing the same but 6.5 prc on a bighorn action. Going to use a apa little bastard(3 port) 4.2oz I believe is what is listed online.
I'll keep you updated on how it works once the rifle is together and I shoot it a bit. Read good reviews on it.
I know you are looking small, but I'm really loving my Witt SME, it's Linear Comp/Blast Can on my 6.5 Creed. I got the one that looks like a suppressor. Planning on getting a few more for my other rifles. I tried several different brakes and this one really seemed to change stuff, especially for folks off to the side.-WW
Would like to see that...been thinking a brake with directional too..
I've shot so many brands, models, designs, and different cost values over the past 10 years. I honestly can't say one is better than the other. If you break it down to its core all you are doing is redistributing gas. Any redistribution of gas will lesson the recoil. With major calibers (50cal., 338 LM, Chytec, maybe 30.06, etc...) tank breaks are a common. But all middle weight calibers and below it would take major scientific equipment to measure minute differences.
So find a light one you like and put on your ear plugs.
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