Berger Hunting DVD

Second what Dave Wilson said, if you need anyone to test some bullets give me a hollar!!!!! We can test them at velocities from 2800fps to 3400fps so maybe we see how much strain they can take. Me and BJ just became new dealers for ya but if you need a reminder of my address just hollar:D:D:D

I'm gonna have to get a copy of that video to have out here at the shop

take it easy
Berger VLD's for hunting:

I recently learned that the Berger VLD is an excellent hunting bullet and I will be trying them out this year for Whitetail and wild hogs. Last year I took two Whitetail with Sierra Gamekings; one at 480 yards, and the other at 520 yards with my custom built .264 Win Mag and USOptics SN-3. The Gamekings did the job and impacted where I intended, but did not expand as I expected them to do. The Matchkings fly well, but are not a good choice for game, and Bergers have always performed exceptionally well at the range. Looks like I have a new all purpose bullet for target and game! If they perform on game as well as they do on paper, I'll never buy anything else!

Got the DVD this week and have watched it twice, what a great job you have done on it. It had the letter with it too:D not that it was needed but you gotta do what you gotta do.

I gotta say, I am looking into changing my bullet type to Berger but need to do a little more research as we have laws here just like Farmer7 was eluding too.

Keep up the good work and if you ever need an agent/distributor here in the UK/Europe I'm your man:)
Awesome DVD

I received my dvd in South Africa and have shown it to my mates - they were all astounded. I shoot a 270 and am dying for this caliber to be available. I cannot believe some people object to long range hunting - it is obvious that it takes a reasonable level of intellect to understand all the ballistics, drop charts etc and maybe it is these guys who object through an ignorance that is no fault of their own!! I applaud the letter but am saddened by its need - next we will not be allowed to slice bread because it is cruel to the loaf!
I recently recieved my video in the mail. The sound was off on mine, didn't match the lips (maybe I should sue). I watched it with a buddy of mine who was so impressed by it he is going to take his 7mmSTW to get it pillar bedded and build a load with some BERGER bullets and start shooting/PRACTICING to see how far he can be effective for elk next year. I also plan on shooting the bullets from the 300RUM being built as I type.

I am getting so disapointed with America and the left-wing ideals. What happened to self-pride and thought in this country. Why should a company/person like Berger/Eric even feel the need to put a letter with this video. It's just like the warnings on chain-saws and lawnmowers. It's too bad we live in a society that alows this train of thought.

Now I got myself spun up, I could go on all day.

Eric, GREAT video, GREAT bullets, I plan on using lots of them in the future. I am truley sorry you have to spend your time drafting a letter like this and worring about the few a-holes out there making life worse for the rest of us.

Thank you for a great product,
Long range

Hi Eric it is a shame that shooters continue to argue with others in the sport I write some articles here in Australia and most people think anything past 300 yards is unethical. Here I am trying to shoot the furthest possible but hunainly like you have stated their is a lot of ancilery equiptment required as well as knowlidge to do this. No wonder gouvernments can devide and conquer us we have to support every shooting disipline and not say it does not effect me because next time it will.

I think any one on this site that is offended with long range shooting should probably leave as they are in the wrong place.

Also is their any chance of getting a copy of the CD and when you get the 338 300gr VLDs made I would love to test some and write an article about your new release here in Australia.

Cheers Bill
The road to ruin begins with an apology. Dont do it, dont apologize for what we do and enjoy. When you apologize for a sport you feed the Klintonistas and other gun grabber outfits who would have us all playing soccer with Commie Mommys. The video is fine, as are all the bloody shots and hits on the Outdoor Channel, Sportsmans Channel, and Versus. What we do is kill and thats just another of the many parts that make LIFE.
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