Bedding advice for a CZ557


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2011
Well as the title states I could use a little advice. I recently purchased a CZ557 that I got both the manners stock along with the walnut stock. I see the walnut stock is bedded but the manners. The manners does have pillars installed. My question is should I bed the manners? I also noticed that where the front screw attaches it is shaped like a mini lug. I have read the having two points like that can cause issues? Is this true? I see in the wal nut stock where the just bedded the front and sides of this area. The owner I got it from was not the original owner it came this way to him. So any info would be great. I have not shot it yet as I need to find or make some ammo. It is a 30-06 if that matters.

One last thing if I do bed I'd should I stop in front of the lug and not bed that inch down the barrel?

With that action I create a perch in front of the lug about 3/4 inch so yes bed in front of the lug
Thank you for the reply. would you also not bed behind the screw like the wood stock. It is almost like there are two lugs and I have hear that can cause problems?
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