Baby buffalo

NT whistler

Oct 23, 2014
Arnhem Land Australia
Out yesterday morning hunting pigs and buffalo and came across this little critter.


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Did his herd comeback? Are buffalo like deer and if you touch their young they won't come back? Those are awesome photos. Thanks for sharing.
Very nice pictures.

I hope everything works out for the little guy. He about as fresh as it gets with out being wet.

More successful babies = bigger herds = better prairies = more diversity = more tags.

and of course more cool pictures.
Where are you at? Type of buffalo? Certain doesn't look like a bison calf...and the wrong time of the year anyway. Neat photo.
These are Water Buffalo, I'm here in remote Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory in Australia, I hunt these most weekends along with Pigs. We give most of the meat to the local Aboriginals. And yes the Cow did come back to the calf. I will post a few photos of some of the bigger ones we have shot later today.

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