Anyone using a Nikon Fieldscope 20-60x60mm


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2005
I've used the swaro 80mm spotting scopes, and while they are nice they are also enormous.
I was looking through the nikon listed in the title today, and it looked super clear, and really bright to my eye even though it's a 60mm. it's pretty small and light, but seems to perform really well with the 20-60x eyepiece on it.

i've read some very positive reviews online, and it sounds like a great scope, but wanted to hear your input as well. please share your experiences with them.

thanks a lot
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I to have the Swaro 80mm and will tell you that if I was buying a spotting scope today and did not were glasses (key for the Nikon), I'd buy the Nikon today. Half the price and very, very close in my opinion to the Swaro clarity wise.
haha, ya bill, good to see you posting again.

thanks for the info on that scope, that's great to hear! i appreciate you taking the time to chime in.
+1 for what Bill said, and glad to have him back, he is still pretty tied up for now but stay on him guys and i think we will have him back in force before to long

Ya the nikon is a great wat to go, those new ED Field Scopes are awesome with there only shortcoming possibly being difficult for eye glass wearers to use. Bill and me sell them and i can guarantee you that if we were going to buy one for pure hunting use it would be the 60mm nikon

have a good un
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