Anyone ever worked on a ruger old army?


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2020
I have a stainless ruger old army pistol. The The cylinder was bound up and I could not pull the hammer back. I disassembled it and it turns out the cylinder latch was all gummed up. I got it completely apart except I left the hammer plunger. Completely cleaned it and put it back together. I pulled the hammer back into full cock and pulled the trigger and it would not go past half cock. I disassembled again and I think the issue is the hammer plunger. It won't budge. I tapped out the pin and the plunger and spring should have popped out but they didn't. The plunger does not move. I have it sitting up soaked in kroil right now. Any ideas how to get it out if that does not work?
You will have to tap it from side to side to try and crush whatever gunk is binding it up. Sometimes a whack with a brass hammer or drift loosens them enough to wiggle them free.
I had one years ago that fired the entire cylinder on me, it locked up due to lead splash in every possible gap. It was easy to get working again though. Very simple design.

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