Anti Hunter Vandals

We have issues in our area all the time with anti hunters and people who want the public land closed down. We have had gates locked off so cattle couldn't get water, cars keyed while we were out hunting and all kind of other garbage.
Live and let live, if they don't like it they don't have to do it. I feel the same way about their granola ways, I don't want to do it but I don't worry bother them about it either.
I 😂 was reading on people purchasing property in Wyoming. Complaining about the smell of cattle. Want the law to do something about it., From what I am understanding the government thinking of having realestate sales people have an added clause in the offer stating that there maybe smell coming from animal from the area. The other was animals were having sex in the fields next to their property. The dipsh*ts didn't know that could happen, because they purchased the property and their is private property and shouldn't have to see or watch that.😂
I had quite a bit of trouble with anti's when I used to run a large trapline. Stolen traps, smashed traps, violent notes telling what they would do to me, yelling and cursing, calls to game wardens (I was friends with all of them so no problem there) etc. I always carried a 22 pistol when running my line but eventually felt the need pack something significantly bigger for my own protection. People can get real ugly.
And yes my first mobile phone was a bag phone.
Just is fitting for an angry white liberal. Close your eyes and make them whatever color and pronoun you choose. Lol
The OP didn't say anything about race not sure why you think making it about race makes a difference.
The OP didn't say anything about race not sure why you think making it about race makes a difference.
Don't sweat it. Doesn't have anything to do with race. It's about statistics and who fits that profile to act out like the OP was describing. I'm just a little taken back by bringing race into conversation. Race card is everywhere I guess. If I have offended you I apologise and promise to take a sensitivity course. Thanks
Don't sweat it. Doesn't have anything to do with race. It's about statistics and who fits that profile to act out like the OP was describing. I'm just a little taken back by bringing race into conversation. Race card is everywhere I guess. If I have offended you I apologise and promise to take a sensitivity course. Thanks
I'm not offended just thought that you showing your racism is totally unnecessary to the forum. The greatest thing about this forum, unless someone post a picture of themselves or states their race, race isn't an issue and no one is treated differently do to their race.
When I was growing up, we sold a few acres to some folks from the city (I grew up very rural).
They lived probably 1/2 mile away, with woods and a large duck swamp between us, and they'd STILL call the Sheriff when we shot clay pigeons behind the barn!?
The Deputy wouldnt even stop and talk to us. He knew who we were and what we were doing.
He'd go next door and explain to those folks that they now live in the country and could expect gunfire.
Then, the next week, they'd call in again.
One time was similar to your story, they called my Dad and said their house was getting hit- from 1/4 mile away.
Of course, that was in the days of lead shot...
And now our wonderful Colo is trying to pass a law where we as landowners cannot lawfully discharge a firearm on our own private property.
That is a good question. I would suppose it is going to depend on the law enforcement individual. It hasn't gotten that far yet and really hope that it doesn't. Colo has really turned ugly.
Hopefully if LEO's stand up and say they won't enforce it then it will die in the courts, or someone files lawsuits and stops it in the courts. Seems like California, New York, Jersey and other democrat run states are emptying and when the people move to another state they bring their politics with them and makes the states they move into less appealing

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