action and stock...

Pat B.

Active Member
Oct 19, 2004
I want to build a rifle for long range, to 1K.. I plan on using the .300WM as I have a reamer. What action and stock would be suitable. This rifle will only be shot off a bench or bipod... Weight is not a concern..
If you plan to use a bipod as well as bench shooting I would look at the McMillan A-5 personally.

The receiver will depend on your buget for the rifle. Best lowest price option would be a Rem 700. If you have the money get a BAT or Nesika Bay receiver.

Kirby Allen(50)

This rifle will be shot off a Hart rest, 99% of the time and in fact I doubt I will install a bipod, really..
Which BAT would you consider and what barrel contour? Would you go with a straight 1.250 or use a HV contour or ?
Have you used any of the Stiller Pythons or does Kelbly make a magnum action ??
Again, thanks for any input..
Have built several RUM rifles on the large round BAT. Kelbly offers the Kodiaks with magnum bolt face. I'm not sure about the Grizzly.
Depending on how heavy of a rifle you would want to build, I would start with a BAT Model M 1.450" diameter receiver on the light end and go up to the BAT Model L on the heavy end.

For the Model M receiver, the 1.250" straight cylinder would work great. I would recommend at least a #8 contour to get as much barrel stiffness as possible. If you going to build a bench rifle then you might as well build a bench rifle with a decent amount of barrel.

For the Model L receiver I would jump up to at least a 1-450" barrel diameter or even heavier again depending on how heavy you want this rifle.

The difference in weight between these two rifles would vary from 20 lbs up to as much as you wanted.

I have not used any of the Stiller or Kelby receiver but I think they are both offered with the standard magnum bolt face.

Kirby Allen(50)
Target or hunting? Weight 15 or 50? Cost $1500 or $5000? New or Used? I believe you have to look at the bottom line. How much are you willing to spend for the entire setup. I think the most important is the scope. You seem to have you mind set on 300 Win mag or WBY mag. If you are going single shot you can use a short action with the bolt face opened up. A lot of people want to run off and get the custom actions and that's ok. I am a firm believer in if the barrel shoots it doesn't matter what the action is. When I see 300 WBY with a mauser or enfield or savage or remington shoot 10 shot 4inch groups at a thousand yards I believe it has got to be the barrel. But by all means if you can afford the customs they definitely worth more when you sell them. Sit down with paper and pen and write down the prices of components. Barrels are usually 6 months after ordering. Look for used. Don't rush into it. Good luck. Tim
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