338 edge sambar loads


Active Member
Nov 17, 2010
I'm still waiting for my edge to be completed, whilst waiting for it I have got my dies from shawn carlock and am just wanting some input from you blokes using their edge on sambar in the hills. Are you guys using the standard 300 grn smk or are you guys using something else? Cheers apples

I have killed a couple of Sambar now with the 300 SMK.
Not saying it is the best bullet to use but it does kill them.

I would start off with this bullet and kill a few Sambar with it. Then make up your own mind.

What is the best bullet for Sambar at long range out of the .338 Edge? I am still working that out myself! If the 300SMK ever fails me, the next one that I will try is the 225 grain Hornady Interbond. You can drive them at about 3300 fps and they expand well at low velocity.
The two on the left were at an impact velocity of 1600 fps. The others were 1300 and 1200 fps.

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