338 edge load


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2008
Hello, questions on a load for 300 edge. I know the standard load is basically 92-94 grains of h1000 300 smk cci 250, well i have done that, and i wanted to see what my true max would be in my gun. i have a coal of roughly 3.875 and i got up to 95 grains of h1000, and still no pressure signs and 2905 fps with chrony at 14 feet. i have a 34" barrel, is the 2905 about right or a little slow for the powder and barrel length? is there any definitive pressure signs with the edge?

thanks for replies in advance.
Hello, questions on a load for 300 edge. I know the standard load is basically 92-94 grains of h1000 300 smk cci 250, well i have done that, and i wanted to see what my true max would be in my gun. i have a coal of roughly 3.875 and i got up to 95 grains of h1000, and still no pressure signs and 2905 fps with chrony at 14 feet. i have a 34" barrel, is the 2905 about right or a little slow for the powder and barrel length? is there any definitive pressure signs with the edge?

thanks for replies in advance.

Hi timeless61

I rn 92gr H1000, OAL 3.785 to fit Wyatt Mag cci 250 pushing 300SMK 0.003 off land at 2814fps at 4100Elev from Rock Crick 1-9.4 Twist, 30 inch barell

this load is close to max load (93.5 is the max in this rifle - very flat primer).
Just be very carefull, and look for pressure signs:flatened primer, loose primers, hard lifting bolt, hard to extract...
thats what i looked for, none of that, not hard to extract at all, primers are cratered, but so were 88 grains, i am honestly not sure how far off the lands they are, they are, but not an exact measurement, also i am at probably 1000 ft elevation, the higher you go the faster or slower, i forget?
thats what i looked for, none of that, not hard to extract at all, primers are cratered, but so were 88 grains, i am honestly not sure how far off the lands they are, they are, but not an exact measurement, also i am at probably 1000 ft elevation, the higher you go the faster or slower, i forget?

The higher you go - less air resistence so the bullet will go faster...

For finding off land go and get the Hornady off land tool - very handy and saves you a lot of headaches...
i thought that tool was caliber specific? what do i need to order to do the edge then? i also have a 300 wsm, but due to short mag box that is not really a problem knowing exactly. and sort of to my original question for 34" barrel at roughly 1000 ft, is 2905 normal fast slow?
i thought that tool was caliber specific? what do i need to order to do the edge then? i also have a 300 wsm, but due to short mag box that is not really a problem knowing exactly. and sort of to my original question for 34" barrel at roughly 1000 ft, is 2905 normal fast slow?

Unfortunatedly I'm not the right person to give you the advices about how fast is your load. Every rifle is different.
Try contacting Shawn C at Defensive edge and he can guide you.. Sorry... I just share with you my specific load.
I have a new long throated .338 Edge that I am developing a load for at the moment.
I got to 98 grains of H1000 behind the 300 SMK before I started to see any pressure signs on my CCI primers.
Barrel is a 30" Lilja and was getting a velocity of 2958fps.

96 grains of H1000 gives on 2895 fps.
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