300 ultra mag


Active Member
Jun 26, 2010
Murfreesboro, TN
Can anyone recommend a devastating long range hunting bullet for a 300 ultra mag? I am able to reload and thought about trying the 180-200 Grain.
This will be used for large game such as deer and elk.

Love to hear everyone's opinions.
Thank you.
Can anyone recommend a devastating long range hunting bullet for a 300 ultra mag? I am able to reload and thought about trying the 180-200 Grain.
This will be used for large game such as deer and elk.

Love to hear everyone's opinions.
Thank you.

For long range shots I like the 200grain Accubond, and for up close and tough game the
200grain Partition is one of my favorites.

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I took a wild boar (264 lb.) at 361 yards with a 300 RUM, using 180grain Swift Scirocco. Well it looked like it got hit with a soup can and passed through and kept on going. I have had great luck with Nosler Partition 200gr. on Moose. I am anxious to get my 300 RUM back from Nathan Dagley to test out the 200gr. Accubonds. I hear great reviews about Accubonds.
I too have a 300RUM, have been load testing with 210gr bergers, but one of the things that has hampered my accuracy has been the crappy trigger that came with the gun, but soon I will have a timney in its place and will get real serious. Its either going to be 210gr bergers or 200gr accubonds. In the past I have had great success with accubonds.
"devastating Long range hunting bullet"

I shoot the .300 RUM as well . I have had good luck with the 210 Berger in my rifle . If i were to choose it would be of these three choices but only because i've never used the others that are available, this is what I have used and seen in action thus far .

Keep in mind LR is what we are after that being said.

1. 210 BERGER
2. 210 Match king
3. 208 Hornady AMAX

Which ever one of these shoots the best in your rifle but i would start in that order .

Once you have one of these loaded up go kill elk waaay out yonder !!

I slugged a big mule deer in Boardman OR about 4 years ago with a 180gr swift scirocco at around 450yds. My wind call was off so i hit him in the spine just behind the rib cage. Pretty much looked like a 12ga slug at point blank. Absolutely devastating. I shot a 300lb hog last weekend at 200yds with a 210gr matchking. Not the greatest idea, passed through the first shoulder blade and fragmented on the opposite one. Put him down hard but im not sure if it would do it out much farther.
I've settled on the BERGER 168 VLD in my .300RUM, have used it on elk/deer/antelope. Elk have been 511/486/576 yds, all one shot drop 'em shots. Deer and antelop up to 613 yds so far , same result.
As far as devastating goes, I like using the 208 A-max's in my 300WSM. Have yet to hit anything big, but the sure knock the G-hogs over pretty good. I have been playing around with this bullet for some time now, and seems to hold true to its ballistics. I have found it to be very accurate when the nut behind the trigger is tight. Take care,

a 300 Ultra Mag is not a 300 win mag.
I know you all know this but I would like to hear some of you 300 ultra shooters.

Im am new to Long-range hunting. (I have been hunting with a 30/06 for 30 years. at the range, I can hit bullseyes all day at 615 yards. (but I can not kill an elk at that distance, it just doesn't have the power) however I have killed many at 500 yards, but that is right at its max.

if you are shooting long range I want to hear from you if your shooting less than 500 yards, sorry that not long rang I want to hear from the guys that are shooting at 1000 + yards.

her the different between the two, if you fire the same weight bullet approximately 200-300fps faster than the . 300 Win Mag. This results in a flatter trajectory, more resistance to wind drift, and more retained energy at longer range.
I imagine the OP has found a bullet since 2010. As far as your 30-06 there should be bullets that will work out to 600 yds. If you can stabilize the 215 Berger try that. Some offerings from hammer would also work well. A hammer in the weight range of 150-180 be it the hunter or absolute should get you to where you want. I'm using the 600 yd not 1000+. Then the RUM with a 215 Berger will get you there.
Not sure what you call long range but for me past 600-700 is what I call long range. Any ways my last 300 rum I shot 150 ttsx at 3675 FPS with RL 26 and It was a lazer beam out to 600 yards and killed great.
on a 30/06 the best I have found was 165 grain, at the range I hit the bull's eye at 615 yards but it just does not have the energy to drop an elk, it would drop a deer but not the elk. I have a spot that I see big bulls and they will not get closer than 700 years. and that is way I am going with the 300 ultra,
200 accubond out of one RUM and 230 Berger out of the other. Both work just fine on elk and deer as well. No issues with either bullet with lack of penetration for elk or lack of expansion on deer from 15 ft. to 380 yards, with either bullet.
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