300 rum info


Dec 5, 2013
I have a box of the Barnes long range X bullets 200 gr, I would like to use retumbo and see how they shoot. Does anyone have any starting loads for the Barnes bullets? I've never shot Barnes and just wanted to try them out. Thanks for your input!
it shouldn't be much different than any of the other 200-210 bullets for the RUM. it may have a bit more bearing surface so as always start low build up in .5 gn increments till you notice pressure signs then use a load or two before pressure as the top end of your ladder. For something with the case capacity of the RUM you can likely get away with going up in 1gn increments but i cant say that for safety reasons. if i get to my bench later ill see what my loads are for the 208 amax to give you a starting point but i don't want to quote off the top of my head. if you search the rum here you will find a bunch of info. don't take the first load you see but if some numbers come up repeatedly you're likely in that range. Also you can go to the Hodgden site and look up loads for the rum find a retumbo load and look for a bullet in the same weight category and take off 10% and build accordingly.
Barnes data for the 200 TSX using Retumbo.

Starting 78gr.

Max 86gr.

That should get you started.
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